Chapter 20: The Beginning of the End

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(Willa's POV)

The day is finally here. After months of waiting and planning, Violetta and Will were finally having the wedding. Violetta was sweet and made me a bridesmaid along with Tamma, Wendy, and Mabel. We all went dress shopping together and simply fawned over Violetta as she tried on different dresses of different styles. She finally chose a white, mermaid style dress with small pearls all around the neckline that curved over her shoulders and right under her collarbones. The skirt touched the floor and unfortunately, the cute white heels she picked out, we're not visible. Her makeup was simple but had small touches of blue and her hair was done in a braided crown with a bunch of blue flowers in a hair pin to keep it all together. The bridesmaids all wore blue and white dresses of our own style and cut. Tamma chose a long pantsuit with long sleeves and pants and blue flats, her hair was done in a bun. Mabel had a blue dress with a white sweater over the top with white flats and her hair was pulled back by a blue headband with white flowers on it. Wendy was wearing a floor length, off the shoulder blue and white dress with a blue sash over her waist and her red hair pulled up into a long ponytail. I am wearing a long blue dress with small white pearls around the waist and my long hair was cascading down my shoulders and my white eye patch matched Will's.

I stood to the side as Will and Violetta said their vows and finally went in for the kiss to seal the deal. We all stood and applauded the happy couple as they walked down the aisle and headed for the reception area.

A few hours later, and we were all still having a great time dancing and eating. Everything was perfect and the joy felt from Violetta and Will was radiating off of everyone in the room.

"Hey," Bill slid next to me at the table and nudged my shoulder, "Why are you by yourself?"

I shrugged, "Well, I was dancing for almost an hour and a half straight... I could use some calm."

"Look at Shooting Star, she is still on the dance floor, and she was the first person on it."

"I'm not a 14-year-old girl, Bill."

"But you're an all-powerful demon."

"Hush. I don't want to think about that right now. I'm just Willa Cipher today. Not a demon... but a proud older sister," I smile and watch as Will twirls Violetta under his arm.

"And when do you have a wedding?"

"I don't think that will be for a long while, Bill. After everything that happened with Jakob, I am just not ready."

He stared at me for a long second before responding, "If you say so... but we each have someone... sort of. I don't think what Kill and Tamma have is romantic, but hey, who knows."

I looked at him and raised a brow, "And you think there is someone out there that can handle me?"

Bill laughed and gestured to himself, "Hey, if I got a girlfriend, hey, Will has a wife now! You can't be too far behind. Just be open."

I nodded, "I... I am thinking of rescuing Tad. From the Nightmare Realm."

Bill stopped, "What?! He is the reason you left and got possessed in the first place!"

"I know! But... he helped me out."

"Willa, would you date Jakob again?"

"What!? No! He was toxic!"

"So was Tad! Just because he might have been cooperative for a few months does not excuse his abuse of power. Remember Jenna?"


"She nearly died because of him! Do not waste your time on him. He is just as toxic as Jakob. You need to move on. Start a new chapter without those losers in it."

I nodded and smiled, "Thanks, Bill."

He patted my shoulder and went off to find Ashley for the next dance.

All was right in the world for the Ciphers really... Will was finally married, Bill was happy with his girlfriend and even Kill had someone to hang out with, even if she wasn't thrilled with it.

All in all... this time has been special for me... reuniting with everyone and seeing just how important they are to me and I to them is the best gift I could ever receive. I wish everyone happiness and good fortune...

"Hey, Willa!" Bill knocked on my door and I shut my journal.


"We're grabbing ice cream, want some?"

"One sec!"

I quickly grab my journal and finish the entry.

I wish everyone happiness and good fortune in all realms and futures. Don't worry about expressing yourself and may all the good luck in the world find you.

Bill, Kill, Will, I send my love to you all and even if times get hard, I will still be here for you.

I close the journal and head out to find my brothers and new sister-in-law and Ashley waiting for me in the living room.

"Well? Are we going?" I ask as they all smile and head for the door.

I am the last one out and close the door. This home holds everything I hold dear; I fear where I might be without it.


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