Chapter 18: Pest Control

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(Willa's POV)

I sat down on a rickety wooden stool as Stanford walked around and set about to set up a bunch of machines and devices that beeped and hummed.  Bill leaned against the wall and watched him, but I noticed his gaze kept flicking to me as well.  I tried to stay calm, but every instinct told me to escape.  To book it and get out of danger, but I held still, clenching my hands on my lap, ignoring the stabbing pain of my fingernails against my palms.  Stanford finally stopped moving around and sat in another stool and stared at me.

"You're sure about this? If it really is a demon... and we have to get rid of it... it might, you might-" he took a deep breath, "You're a demon as well. Are you sure?"

I nodded, despite some nagging feeling in my head clawing around to get out and say "no".

Stanford simply nodded and looked at Bill solemnly, "You may want to leave. I'm not entirely sure what this will do, but you're a demon too. In case something goes wrong, you may get caught in the crossfire," he calmly explained.

"What?! No! I stay with my sister! We were parted for six months, I'm not going through that again! If she disappears, I go with—"

"Bill," I say sharply, sounding more harsh than I intended, "Go. I'll be fine. And should something go wrong, you need to be there for Kill and Will. And Ashley. Don't leave them behind for me, please."

I feel a small smile appear on my face and Bill stares at me, looking torn.

"But Willa..."

"Bill. Go."

He took once last glance before heading back up to the Mystery Shack to go find the others.  I took a deep breath and Stanford watched me quietly.

"You can back-"

"No. I can't. I can't live with this anger inside me. It's hurting everyone around me and will eventually tear me apart. I need whatever this is, gone."

He nodded and leaned forward and placed a metal helmet on my head and latched the strap under my chin.

"Well, I'll see what I can do, but you may be on your own for some of this. I'm not sure how this goes for demons. If you need me to pull you back, I will," Stanford patted my hand and turned on a switch.

I closed my eyes.

I opened them again.

I was standing in an empty room. One I was all too familiar with. This was the room Bill locked me in for centuries after I lost Jakob.  It was still the same, except for the hot pink demon staring me down.


"Willa," she spat.

"I should've known. How did you get in?" I inquired, my voice steady and calm.

"Well, when you and that other freak were trying to get out, there was a brief spot where I sensed a lack of control and I was able to snake in. Lucky me. I've been trying for days to gain control. It's maddening watching you be so chummy with the great Overlord."

I blinked, "Who?"

"Your brother, you idiot!" Her eye glowed and flames jumped from her mouth.


"He was going to bring this dimension to its knees! And right when he had an opportunity by using YOU! You somehow changed his mind and made him soft!" Pyronica shrieked, "And now he is in love with a human! A HUMAN! Can you believe him?! He should love one of his own kind! He's a great demon lord! Not some measly little runt."

I watched her as she started to pace, her burning stilettos burning shoe-shaped holes in the carpet.

"And YOU!" She wheeled on me again, "You started all of this! All of this is your fault. You're so powerful that you must have brainwashed your brother! That's it! You made him good, so when I get rid of you... he'll be back to normal."

I lifted a brow, "When?" I didn't mean to sound cocky, but I was confused.

Pyronica was always one of the weaker of the minions that Bill had.  Devoted, but weak.  Her best power was how to lick the boots of those above her.  She really had no chance against me if I really used my power. Tad Strange was quite powerful since he made that deal with Jenna, and unleashing my power nearly killed him.  I didn't even use it properly.  If Pyronica really wanted a fight, it was one that she would most definitely lose.

She didn't stop staring at me, as I thought.  Finally, I sighed.

"What can I do to get you out of my head?"


Very original.

"Pyronica, don't fight me. You won't win."

"Yes, I will! I've been training for months! I hunted you down on the Nightmare Realm and I was building up my power! You're weak because you like the humans and sympathize with them! You will never receive sympathy from ME!" She shot a giant ball of pink fire at me, but I simply side stepped it.

It blew a giant hole in the wall and disappeared into the nothing existing outside of the room.  Her eyes widened as I continued to stand there, hands clasped in front of me.

"Pyronica, let's just tal-"

I had to jump out of the way of a jet of pink flame.  Again, it torched and blew apart the wall, but I was unscathed.

"Stop this madness, Pyronica, you'll never win."

"WATCH ME!!" She sent three attacks in a row and I dodged all of them with barely any effort.

She breathed heavily and her hair fell over her face and around her eye. Everything around her was now engulfed in a blinding pink inferno.  Pyronica went to launch another attack, but with a wave of my hand, the flame in her own extinguished.  She blinked and stared.

"Stop this. You won't win."

"I can if I try hard enough!"

"You're just burning yourself out! Literally! You're going to go out at this rate!"

"As long as you go with me!" She shrieked again and readied another attack.

I side stepped and walked closer to her, barely even feeling the flames as they licked around the room, engulfing everything in a pink haze.

"Pyronica. Please, give up. Go back to the Nightmare Realm and accept the fact that you lost and that Bill is never going to lead you again. He's moved on from that. I know my brother, and I know that he is happier being on Earth than he ever was leading the cosmos."

She calmed down and sighed, "Maybe you're right. But... that doesn't change me wanting to kill you!"

She lunged at me, and this time, I started to fight back.

Hey everyone. Been a while hasn't it? I did not proof read this and I wrote it in the car, so please excuse any mistakes. If I catch them later, I will try to come back and fix them. We're coming up on the end, you ready?

Miracle Twins (Sequel to The Other Twin)Where stories live. Discover now