t w e n t y e i g h t

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Furrowing his brows, Frank muttered, "What's the matter?"

However he didn't need a verbal answer as he felt it against his thigh. "Oh." A knowing smirk plastered itself across his face, and he slowly trailed his hand from Gerard's chest down over his stomach to rest his hand over his belt buckle.

"You so earned it." Gerard murmured, crashing their lips together, only a little more desperate than last time. Receiving a quiet moan of appreciation, he carefully took Frank's bottom lip between his teeth.

Hesitantly, Frank shifted so his leg to between Gerard's thighs, adding a bit of pressure and friction.

Eyes wide, hand gripping Franks shirt, Gerard gasped, "Frank-"

"Hmm. What?" He said innoecntly.

Suddenly, stopping anything fantastic that could have happened, the bell rang above their heads. Much to his horror, Gerard suddenly disappeared and he was left holding nothing. No tie, no black and teal hair, no cute pixie nose.

"What?" He blinked, glancing around.

Eyes snapping open, Frank shot up in bed, a thin layer of sweat coating his skin. All he could hear was his alarm clock ringing in his ears, so he slapped it off his bedside table.

"Fuck." He cursed, brushing his hair away from his face. So it hadn't really happened?



It felt weird. After kissing him like that- well, after dreaming of kissing him like that. Frank could barely manage to look Gerard in the eye. It was mainly because of the fact that his own brain had come up with it, and now he couldn't deny, not even to himself, that he wanted to kiss Gerard like mad.

That was why, all day on Monday, he'd only managed to say a meagre "hi" to him, then scuttle off in to the middle room and pretend he was busy. He half expected for Gerard to come in after a short while, but he didn't. Anyway, he always knew when Frank wanted some space.

However by last lesson when he had a solid hour with Gerard alone, he didn't have a choice to not interact.

As usual, Gerard was ignoring the existence of chairs, sat hunched over in the corner of the room by the bookshelf, sorting through people's artwork and past papers.

"Hey, Gee." He said, though it came out weaker than expected.

Gerard only just heard him. A smile on his face, he glanced up from what he was doing. "Hey, Frankie."

Fucking butterflies, he frowned, but truthfully, he loved the nickname. Then he wondered if Gerard had ever gotten butterflies in his stomach when he called him Gee.

"Do you need a time slot for parent's evening?" He asked as he stood, earning a confused expression.

"Parent's evening?"

"It's only in a few weeks. We had to give out the sheets during form today." He furrowed his brows, "Did you not get one?"

"I was with Mr Foster during form." He muttered, sliding his coat and bag off. He resisted the urge to stamp his foot like a child. "God, I'm behind on everything."

"No, no, it's okay." Shaking his head, he flitted through papers on his desk to find the one needed. Once he discovered it buried inconveniently underneath pretty much everything he owned, he passed it to Frank, who scanned the small instructions at the top. "I'll help you if you need it."

Nodding, Frank smiled, "Thank you."

"Here." Gerard brought out his own copy, skimming through the empty time slots. "I have 4:30 free?"

Frank chewed his cheek. He doubted very highly that his parents would even be able to make it to parent's evening. Even if they did, they'd probably arrive at the last second. "What's the latest you've got?"

"Uhm," Gerard bit his lip, allowing Frank to gaze shamelessly. He scratched behind his ear with the pencil he was holding and Frank was a little surprised it didn't get stuck in his thick hair. "Half six?"

"Yeah, that's great." He wrote Mr Way in the box for that time slot. Honestly, he mostly wanted to visit Gerard later so he could stay longer. Normally, you only got five or ten minutes with each teacher, but if he saw Gerard last that meant they didn't have to rush.

"Wonderful." Gerard flashed him a smile, then turned away to return to beyond dull work.


It was quiet. Too quiet. Frank hadn't wanted to see Gerard at first, though now all the he wanted to do was talk -about literally anything. He just wanted to hear Gerard's voice because having him sit right across from him, within arm's reach, and not have any of his attention was annoying. He felt like a whiny teenager, but he didn't care.

"Gerard." He nudged him with his foot under the table.

Brows furrowed, he glanced up through his fringe. "What?"

Pay attention to me. "Nothing." He shrugged, face heating up at the embarrassment that came with having bad human interaction skills.

Gerard laughed. "Wow."




Leaning forwards, Gerard put his pencil between his lips like a cigarette. "You're supposed to be studying and you're procrastinating by kicking me under the table."

Frank narrowed his eyes playfully. "I didn't kick you."

"Yuh huh."

"I. . . Tapped you."

"Either which, you're procrastinating." He nodded towards the unfinished essay in Frank's English book.

"It's the only thing I'm good at." He stated, folding his arms over his chest as he slouched in his seat.

"Hey," It was his turn to 'tap' Frank with his foot, "That's not true."

A smile tugging at the corners of his lips, he looked away as a faint blush tinted his cheeks. That was nice to hear Gerard say something like that, even if he didn't believe it.

A minute or so went by and he felt Gerard's eyes bore in to the side of his head. "You're not answering because you know I'm right."

"Okay," Frank huffed, "You win, Mr Sassy Pants. I'm good at two things: eating and procrastination."

"Smart Ass." Gerard scowled jokingly. "You've got talent and you know it."

"I've got talent?" He raised his eyebrows, putting his elbows on the desk. "You've got talent."


"And don't you dare deny it because then you'd be doing the exact same thing I just did, and you told me off for it."

Scowling right back at him, Gerard pressed his lips together and didn't reply.

Frank grinned triumphantly. "Now I win."

[Published 11 December 2019]
[Last edited 29 May 2020]

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