Chapter Twenty-Eight: Sheriff Jones

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The three of us rode in dead silence as we drove through town. There wasn't a cop car to be seen. I kept expecting one to start tailing us and take us back to the hospital, but none showed up. I continued to think about it as we made our way down James's driveway. Suddenly I began to see lights flashing through the trees. It was pitch black outside, and yet an orange glow was emanating through the forest. My heart began to sink as we emerged from the woods and parked in front of the roundabout.

Acuna Manor was in flames. Police cars covered every inch of the property as fire trucks surrounded the house. James leapt out of the car, and I shoved the door open to follow him. For a moment I thought he might run right to the house, but once he was close to the police cars he stopped. I slowly walked up behind him as he watched his home go up in flames. The firefighters were working hard to get the flames out, but only to keep it out of the trees. The house was long gone.

Glowing embers rose into the sky and rained back down on us. As usual, no police members came to bother him. No one told us to get back, or to leave. I clenched my fists just as the sheriff's deputy strode over to us. I studied him carefully as James continued to stare at the blaze.

"Mr. Acuna. Mrs. Thatcher." He greeted us solemnly.

"Deputy." I replied.

"Actually, with Mr. Douglas being a wanted felon I've now been upgraded. I'm Sheriff Jones." I nodded enthusiastically. "I'm sorry about everything that's been happening to you both. I wish I would have known sooner." He rested a hand on both of our shoulders. I thanked him with a smile.

"Was anything saved?" James asked glumly.

"Just one thing..." Said Sheriff Jones. He walked over to his car. I squinted my eyes in an attempt to ignore the glare of his flashing lights. The door opened, and when he moved out of the way a black and brown blur zoomed out. James dropped to his knees and let the blur knock him down as he laughed for the first time in three days.

"Max!" James rolled around on he ground, not bothering to dodge the slobbery licks from the ecstatic Doberman. I giggled as I watched the two. Max's ears pricked up at my laughter and was jumping up on my in an instant. I petted him over and over, kissing the top of his head and rubbing his ears as I coped at him. He smelled like smoke, but didn't have any burns. He must have been trapped in James's room...

My phone began to ring off the hook. Gran had to have been worried sick at my going missing. I felt bad, but I knew that if I had told her my plans she would have done anything to keep me at the hospital. I let the call end. In seconds it started sounding off again. I cringed and sighed in hesitation. I pushed Max towards James before pulling the phone out of my borrowed jacket.

"Miss Hayes." A dark voice echoed in my ears. My blood ran cold. William Acuna has called me. My eyes shot around the property to look for anyone that might resemble him. No one stood out, but I still felt a tension. I was being watched. My fists clenched. I was terrified, but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of showing it. I thought of Cecil's rant. 'Just like your parents. And look where they ended up.'

"You're the reason my parents are gone."


          "Aren't you?!" I snapped.


          The line went dead.

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