Chapter One:Awakening

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            I was in darkness; not pure darkness, where everything is pitch black, but enough darkness to make you want to grab the light of day and never let it go. My eyes blinked open, and then closed back shut for a few moments. A soft frown contorted over my face as I tried again. This time I managed to make my eyelids stay open.

          For whatever reason, I couldn't seem to focus my eyes! Everything around me was incredibly bright and terribly blurry. I tried to reach up and rub my eyes, but I only managed to lift my hand a few inches before it fell back onto something soft and white. My eyes squinted in a sore attempt at seeing just what it may have been.

          A few more blinks and the world began to focus a little bit. My hand was indeed laying on something soft and white. It was a cream-colored quilt, sewn with tiny patterns of green leaves that I hadn't seen before. I hesitantly rubbed my fingertips back and forth over the little designs. I didn't know why, but it comforted me.

         Slowly I began to take notice of my surroundings. I was lying in a bed that was centered on the far wall of a small, gray room with quaint, white furnishings. Overall, it had a bit of a dull feeling to it. I turned my head to the side until my gaze came to rest on a table beside my bed. On top of the table rested a clear vase filled entirely with daisies. A soft smile came to my lips as I stared at them for several moments.

          The moments were interrupted by the sound of rustling paper. My eyes flicked towards the source of the noise. If I tilted my head enough to see past the flowers, I could see a big, open window. I could feel my eyes widen as I observed the outside view. It was beautiful! A bright blue sky contrasted with an endless cluster of vividly green trees.

          A small woman sat next to the window, leafing through a thick novel. I studied her features carefully. The woman was completely immersed in the words of her book, not even bothering to tuck away the stray lock of silver hair that had fallen from her messy ponytail. Light from the window glinted off of her silver-trimmed glasses. A light breeze blew over the window sill. It was then that she swiped the rebellious hair from in front of her face.

          A quiet grumbling escaped my throat. I wanted to say something to her, but I wasn't sure what to say. I wasn't even sure if I could speak; my throat felt like sandpaper, and it hurt to breathe through my nose. Trying to hum in order to get the feeling of my own voice, I decided to just clear my throat and give it a try.

          "H-hello?" I rasped. Then I waited to gauge her reaction. The book was the first to go. It hit the floor with a thud, and lay there with a cluster of open pages. However, it was used to being closed, and the pages turned by themselves to settle the book shut. The woman stared forward with her eyes wide open, but didn't look at me. It was as if she was afraid to turn my way.

          "Hello?" I repeated, more confident in my voice now. She turned achingly slowly until she was at last staring across the room and into my eyes. I felt as if she was telling me a million things, but the words just couldn't leave her lips. She was stunned, speechless, and looked about as confused as I was. I awkwardly cleared my throat, which seemed to snap her out of her trance.

          "Nurse..." she said quietly, then more urgently, "Nurse!" Her voice sounded almost panicked now. She stood with a start and hurried across the room. I thought she may be coming closer to get me, but she passed my bedside and continued towards the door. The woman flung it open, causing the doorknob to rap against the wall. If not for the rubber cover in the way, it surely would have put a hole where it made contact.

          "Wait, please don't leave me!" I cried out. I didn't know who this woman was, but I did know that I didn't want to be alone. It felt as if I had been alone for a very long time. There was a clingy sort of desperation behind my words, and it caused her to halt for a moment. She looked at me with sad eyes as if she had done something wrong.

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