Chapter Five: A Fighting Chance

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Two hours later, and I was still sitting on the edge of my bed as I reread the letter for what seemed like the hundredth time that evening. I couldn't believe the nerve of this boy, this complete stranger! A frustrated sigh escaped my lips, and I reached over to pet Pumpkin in an attempt to calm myself. He had been sleeping, however, and promptly rolled off of the bed and ran under. I began to nervously twirl my hair around my fingers as I read it yet again.

I hear my visit to the hospital upset you, and I wanted to make it up to you somehow. Let me at my father's celebration tomorrow? It's hosted by his company, and he would love to give you a proper welcome back. If yes, take the ride I send tomorrow evening. If no, then I will have my answer.

I blinked in disbelief when I finished. It wasn't his visit that had upset me; it was his sudden abandonment. Not that he would know! My palm opened up to let the letter fall onto the blankets. I glanced at the daisies that were now resting on my desk.

            "Well, too bad for you, mister. Daisies aren't even my favorite anymore." I growled and crossed my arms as I spoke. Then I looked guiltily back at the flowers. Gran had gotten so many to put around the house for me. If I was being completely honest, I didn't even know what my favorite flowers were. I frowned, and supposed that I could settle for daisies. They really were such an innocent, happy kind of flower.

I sighed and went back to my bed. Picking the letter up and folding it carefully, I sat it on my desk next to the cheery plants. Pumpkin jumped up next to them, sniffed at them, and then let out a hearty sneeze. I tsk-ed at him before picking him up and plopping him onto the bed. His weight caused the bed to bounce him for a bit, and I shook my head lovingly at him.

There was a knock at my door. I swung it open to see Gran standing in the darkness of the stairway. She gave me a pitying look before coming inside. I looked down, realizing that I hadn't even gotten ready for bed yet. My pajamas lay on top of my pillow next to an array of shower supplies.

            "Am I interrupting?" asked Gran.

            "No. I just got distracted..." I answered, standing there awkwardly.

            "...My favorite color was green, wasn't it?" I asked, but I already knew the answer to my question. It appeared that almost everything I owned was green, from my hairbrush all the way up to most of my wardrobe. I gestured to my army green pajamas for emphasis. Gran laughed and nodded her head.

          "It reminded you of the forest, and you always used to joke about how it made your eyes pop." Gran recalled. She reached out to scratch Pumpkin behind the ear as she reminisced. Her eyes landed on the letter. There it was again; the sympathy. I couldn't decide who she pitied more, and it drew in my curiosity.

          "He kissed me." I said softly.

          "Yes." Gran whispered.

          "We were close." I added.

          "You were together." Gran admitted. I had already guessed at that, but hearing it out loud was so much different. Many questions had been formed alongside the guess. How on earth had I managed to catch the attention of the son of the richest man in town? How did we meet? If he really cared about me, then why did he leave me at the hospital? I had no idea where to start, so I just picked one.

          "How did we meet each other?" I inquired.

          "At the summer camp. I wasn't there, but as the story goes he apparently shot you in th-" Gran began. I nearly flew back in shock. He had shot me? I looked back at Gran. Surely she meant with a toy of some sort...

          " the arm with a pistol..." Gran finished. I was taken aback. My hand instinctively flew to my right arm. So that was where the scar came from. My heart raced with this new information, and I could feel my face scrunch in confusion. If we hated each other so much, then how on earth had we ended up together? I looked at Gran.

          "If it helps clear something up, he only shot you by accident." Gran noted.

          "It doesn't. It doesn't at all." I responded as I rubbed the bridge of my nose in small circles. I was beginning to get a headache. The letter was still on my desk, and I hadn't come any closer to picking an answer. Stress was beating at my heart and sending alarm through my nerves.

          "Well, I'm afraid that's the extent of what I know about your relationships beginning." Gran sighed and shrugged her shoulders. I looked at her in confusion. "You never asked me how it all began?" I asked. Gran shook her head with a knowing smile. She reached out to pet Pumpkin again.

          "No, I never asked. It's never been in my nature to question a good thing. Only to enjoy it while it lasts." Gran spoke wisely. I nodded in agreement, hoping that when I finally adjusted to this life I could live in such a way. Then Gran took a deep breath and patted her hand on my leg.

          "We may not know the rest of your story, but James does." Gran said softly. "If it makes you too uncomfortable then you can always say no, but there are only so many times that you can say yes to these sorts of things. I certainly won't tell you what to do with your life, but if you do go to the celebration then James could answer a lot of missing answers you've been wondering about. He may even be able to bring something back..."

          I lifted my chin at the thought. Could this invitation lead to me getting some of my memories back? This could very well be that fighting chance I wanted so badly-the chance to remember my loved ones. Now I didn't even care if it made me uncomfortable. I had to go to the celebration and talk to James. Giving a firm hug to Gran and collecting my shower supplies, I quickly made my way to the bathroom for my nightly routine. After all, I had a big day to look forward to.

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