Chapter Twelve: Through The Maze

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"What did you say?" James asked as if he hadn't heard me right. I almost wanted to take it back. James turned to me slowly as if he were afraid of what I might do, but his eyes were practically twinkling. Max continued to unaffectedly lick James' hands. I shrunk into myself, looking at the ground, and James finally took notice of my nervousness. He shooed Max away before clearing his throat.

James held out his arm without mentioning it. He looked like he might spontaneously combust. I smiled sweetly at the gesture. He was trying so hard not to make me feel like I had to remember the past. My arm hooked into his, and we made our way back downstairs. I didn't ask about the hallway on the opposite side of the library as we went down the stairs and through the side doors of the ballroom. Max trotted happily after us.

The sun was setting fast outside. Light that had beamed through the dome could barely stretched over the reach of the surrounding forest. Shadows began to creep across the grounds, and stars began to peek through the twilight as James and I walked arm in arm in a peaceful silence. The 'four manicured fields' were neatly arranged with a monumental fountain, a tall hedge maze, and of course the very wide garage. We circled the fountain while Max decided to splash right through it to the other side.

           "You know...I know how to get through to the other side. There's a trick to it. Trust me to lead you through?" James wiggled his eyebrows at me. I laughed and nodded, and James lightly took my wrist before leading way. As we got further and further inside he began to cautiously slip his hand down until he was gently holding my mine. I stared at our intertwined fingers as we walked in silence.

          A small smirk wound its way into James's lips. I raised an eyebrow, but before I could open my mouth he let go of my hand and with a playful laugh disappeared around the next corner. I curiously peeked around the corner to see James sprinting down the aisle. Max followed with a wagging tail as he playfully nipped at James' elbows and pant legs. He looked back to see if I had caught on yet. I gasped in surprise.

          "Hey!" I shouted with a laugh as I began to run after him. I spun corner after corner trying to keep up with him until I finally came to an empty aisle. I heard rustling down yet another corner and followed it into another empty set of hedges. My breathing was heavy from running, and I tried to quiet it in order to hear better. The sunset had fallen away and been replaced with silver moonlight. It shone off of the black leather of my jacket. Suddenly here was a whimper in the next aisle. Max had kept up with James!

           I shoved the section of hedge away and practically dove through. My foot caught in the twisted branches and leaves of the hedges, and I spun backwards so that I could see better to untangle it, but it was no use. I was falling backwards like a tree. Until I landed gently in a pair of strong arms. I hadn't realized I had squeezed my eyes shut to brace for the pain, but now that I opened them I was staring up at James.

James was grinning softly down at me as he held me like he had dipped me at the end of a dance. My arms had wound their way over his shoulders on onto the back of his neck. I let myself get caught up in the view of his gorgeous cerulean eyes and the beautiful night sky above. I couldn't decide which was prettier. Then he started to lean in, and a million alarm bells began to go off inside my head.

"Thank you for this wonderful evening." I blurted out, catching him off guard for a moment. I used it to maneuver my legs so that I could stand again. My arms slid away and I turned to set off around the maze rather than going through. James lowered his arms away from me and let them hang at his sides. I stuffed my hands into my jacket pockets as I stared at the ground and continued to tread.

"I thought you trusted me." James laughed bitterly.

"I do trust you, James. I'm just not ready." I replied.

"Why?" He asked gently.

"I'm just not!" I said in a warning tone.

"No, be specific." James scoffed.

"Because I don't want to disappoint you!" I shouted. Any words of protest James had prepared died in his throat. His eyes widened as his mouth hung open. We stood in silence as his eyes searched my face. He took a step closer.

"Have I made you feel like I'm disappointed?" He asked.

"No, but I saw your reactions to Max's name. How excited you got. I don't know how I remembered, but it was a fluke deal. I just don't want you to get your hopes up." I took my hands out of my pockets and crossed my arms around me. The fall night's chill was beginning to get to me. Nervousness number it over as James came closer to me.

"If you don't want to be with me then that's your choice. If you don't like me because you don't know me well enough, or because you're mad I didn't tell you about the first wolf attack, or even because I left you in the hospital that day then so be it. But don't for a second say it's because you'll disappoint me because that's a lie." James scolded. Then he leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to the top of my head.

"You could never disappoint me." He whispered. With that he was the one to leave, turning on his heel and into the maze. Max trotted silently after him and together they both disappeared into the lush green of the hedges. My arms uncrossed and hung limply as I stood in deep thought. A gust of ice cold wind brought me to my senses. I hurried to the edge of the maze so that I could go around, but not before a yellow light caught my eye.

I jerked my head towards a small building I had never noticed before. It looked like an in law suite, but bigger than any I had ever seen. A window was on in the second story of it, and a shadow traced the glass. I squinted my eyes so that I could see them better. Suddenly Max barked from inside the maze, and I turned to listen.

When I turned back the light was off and it was pitch black. Whoever was inside could no longer be seen. It gave me a really bad feeling. I shuddered and ran past the maze. It wasn't late, but it was dark as could be outside, and Gran would be worried if I wasn't home soon. I still hadn't spoken to her...

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