"We're all worried about you," he says with a sigh. "Come on, up you go," he says, pulling her up to her feet. She brushes some of the dirt off of her.


"Why're you looking for me?"


"Jean went to go see what you were doing because he couldn't sleep. He knocked on your door a bunch of times and when you didn't answer, he just went in and saw you were gone. He got some of us up and we've been looking for you for about an hour. We were gonna go get the Commander, but I told them to keep looking in the castle and I was gonna check out the forest. I didn't think you'd be this far in though..."


"I didn't want the guards noticing me," she replies, pushing some sweaty curls from her eyes. As she takes a step, her entire body screams in pain, but she doesn't let it show.


"Let's get you back before Jean wakes up the entire castle."


As she walks, she can't help but remember the dream she had before coming out her. When she remembered Trost, and how agile she was then, she knew she had to get some extra practice in. Sadly, she didn't think those two hours alone while training had helped.


They walk in silence, the only noise coming from the clang of her 3DM. Noticing the silence, and hatingsilence, Connie begins to whistle, just loud enough for the two of them to hear it, but not loud enough to wake anyone up.


Everyone is in Nora’s room when they get back. After she takes off her gear, Jean runs up to her, grabbing her by her small shoulders and shaking her. “Where were you?!” he asks.


Nora frowns on the inside as she sees how tired and worried he looks. She felt bad for worrying him. “I went to go train in the forest. I can barely move with 3DM anymore,” she sighs.


“I was about to get the Corporal to come find you! I was that worried!”


“Relax, Jean,” she says, grabbing his face and squishing his cheeks. He looks less like a horse like that, she thinks to herself with a laugh. “Connie found me.”

“You were pretty deep in those trees,” Connie says, somewhat impressed.

“I’d been practicing for a while. I’m just surprised you went that deep in there to find me.”


“I heard your gear,” he says with a laugh. “And then I heard you fall flat on your back and groan.”


“I haven’t had a chance to practice in a while!” she says defensively. “I’m a little rusty.”


“I could help maybe,” Armin offers. Even though he really wasn’t good with the physical aspects of being a soldier, he had a good command over 3DM. He gives her a gentle smile.


“Any of us will help you,” Eren says happily, clasping her shoulder.


Childhood Friends (Attack on Titan// Levi Ackerman Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now