"Yeah, I do remember that time," Andre mutters, looking up at the clear blue sky and grinning as if he was trying to reimagine it in his head. The way he has practically witnessed his own friends evolve over time really surprised the boy. "Good ol' times, amiga."

"Hi, guys!" Cat pops up suddenly, her high-pitched voice surprising the brunette who was deep in thought from the unusual lingering feelings that she felt from remembering the memory of her and Jade. Her head only wandered to the reason for Jade's actions, and now it stuck to her curiosities like gorilla glue. Robbie lingers slightly from behind, waving to the group in an awkward manner as he tried to balance out holding Rex on one hand and a tray of food in the other hand. 

"Wow, you both seem to be hanging out with each other a lot," Tori says as Cat places herself in the seat next to her with Robbie sitting on the other side. 

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Cat asks defensively, scooting unusually close to Robbie, with the boy wincing from the girl's closeness.

Tori frowns, eyes shifting back and forth between both of her friends. "Well, Andre and I noticed that you both have been hanging out a lot. Anything going on between you too?"

A smile spreads on Tori and Andre's faces as they lean in curiously.

"No, nothing is going on!" Cat pouts, still arousing suspicion about them that Tori and Andre furrowed their eyebrows. Cat motions her hands towards both of them, practically waving her hands in front of their faces. "How about you?! Anything going on between you both?"

Both Tori and Andre exchang confused glances between each other before focusing back towards Cat, whose cheeks looked like they were on fire. They both shake their heads simultaneously, dismissing the question. However, as Tori thought about the question for a moment, she side-glancing Andre, whose expression seemed all of a sudden solemn. The sight gives her a strange feeling as she turns back towards Cat. 

"No, Cat, we were just talking about some good ol' memories from a few years back," Tori explains, ploppping a french fry in her mouth from Andre's tray.

"Like the time I made you into a zombie?" Cat's face brightens in a flash as she started to laugh again, out of context. "I will never forget that time!"

Tori remembers that moment, smiling along with the thought of it. Cat had been responsible for Tori's makeup but it all ended up crashing through the earth. Somehow, Cat was fascinated by the cute little gorilla on some glue and used it, which permanently made the zombie mask stuck to Tori's face, turns out it was gorilla glue that she used. And it happened on the opening night of a musical that Tori starred in, along with Beck. Thankfully they saved her just before the play ended and the rest went smoothly. Oh, what a disastrous time.

Andre, Tori, Cat, and Robbie continue to share previous memories they had, including the ones that happened when Tori still wasn't at Hollywood Arts yet. As Tori listened, surprised by some of the stories that they shared, her conscious somehow felt out of place as she cowered slightly uncomfortable in her seat, mind and thoughts trying to travel somewhere elsewhere, like an unknown opening was forcing her head to work backwards. 

"Wait, Robbie, so when you found out you made it into Hollywood Arts, you peed yourself on the first day of school?" Tori asks the curly-haired boy while dangling another french fry in between her fingers.

"Oh, yes, he did," Rex sneers teasingly, making Robbie glared at the puppet. "He had to skip his first two classes at school because it was so bad. It's like he could make a river!"

Robbie lightly thumps Rex on the forehead, "Rex!"

"What? I'm just stating the truth!" Rex declares back, and though his expression didn't change, they all could sense the sneaky smirk. 

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