Welcome to Atlas

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This crazy adventure starts with me, Mia Griffin, a girl with brown hair, lightly tanned skin, brown eyes, and a little bit of a short girl. I was leaning on the wall, next to the rack of assault rifles, while my friend, Ilona was in the range firing away.

"Seriously, Ilona. You're already number one on the scoreboard, why do you keep coming here?" I asked as my Russian friend started to reload her rifle.

"I need to keep my score." She replied with her thick Russian accent.

I chuckled and decided to shoot along with her. I picked up the nearest assault rifle near me and headed to the stall next to Ilona's. By the time I made my way there, she was already reloading again. I put in the magazine into the rifle and was about to shoot when the twin doors opened. It was Gideon and a new face.

"Here again, Ilona? Trying to prove something?" Asked Gideon as he walked to the center of the room.

"Don't need to try. Still got first place." She stated quietly.

"What about you, Mia. Trying to improve your score?" He asked again.

"6th place isn't going to suit me, Gideon, and you know that." I replied, as I placed my rifle on the tray.

The person who was trailing Gideon walked to the stall a few rows down from Ilona. He grabbed an IMR and started the target practice.

"Your exo is equipped with Overdrive. Use it if you need a tactical advantage." Informed Gideon to the man who was about to shoot.

Ilona and I were finished, so we started to leave, but then Gideon called me.

"Mia, I want you to help me with the Mitchell. He's new to Atlas. After a couple of rounds here, we're going to head to the grenade range. After that, we're going to the simulation. I want you with me. Got it?"

"Sure." I replied and gave Ilona a quick farewell and stood next to Gideon, as we watched Mitchell fire away.

Mitchell was a great shooter. He didn't shoot any of the friendlies and had amazing accuracy. Almost every confirmed kill was a headshot. When he was done, he became second on the scoreboard, right below Ilona.

"Where did Irons find this guy?" I whispered into Gideon's ear.

"The Marines. He was Irons son's best friend." He whispered back. I nodded and Mitchell placed his rifle on the tray and turned to me and Gideon.

"Mitchell, this is Mia. She'll be an operative working with you and me throughout whatever mission we're on. If you find her annoying, embrace the suck, mate." He stated, and Mitchell smiled and shook my hand.

"Over to the grenade range. You need some hands on with the variable grenades." Again stated Gideon and Mitchell and I followed him upstairs. We jogged outside and crossed the street to the grenade range.

"Boss, we got the sim ready to roll again." Informed Joker, as we jogged across the street.

"Copy, Mitchell, Mia, and I will be there in a minute" replied Gideon, as we made our way down a short flight of stairs to the grenade range.

"Alight, grab some grenades and run the training course. Variable grenades let you switch your grenade type on the fly, depending on the threat." Briefed Gideon.

I decided that I too, needed some grenade practice. I looked at Mitchell, then to Gideon, and he gave me a thumbs up, signaling that the simulation was about to start. I grabbed a lethal grenade from the dispenser and switched the type to smart, when a wooden board appeared on the roof on one of the structures. I threw the grenade as hard as I could, and it seeked the wooden target. There was movement in one of the buildings, so I sloppily grabbed a tactical grenade, and switched the type to "threat" and chucked the grenade. The wave of red light illuminated my HUD and the targets were marked.

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