Run Away

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Taehyung tried spreading the energy over his face, but it cut off his air, a terrifying discovery that left him crouching on the floor trying to control his breathing. He considered blowing his way out, but that would call too much attention to him. He had no clothes to sneak out under. All of his friends' numbers had been blocked and deleted from the old phone. He had to leave, but he didn't know how he was going to get out without being noticed.

Was it even possible?

Taehyung leaned against the wall and wondered how Yoongi would react to see him in the fight club. He would have questions. He would understand that Zen and Dreyk knew him. There would be no lying to him. How far would he push before he knew Taehyung's true identity?

Taehyung didn't want him to know. Not when things were just starting to get easier between them. Not after breaking down in front of him. He couldn't just let Yoongi see who he really was. He couldn't let him know. He wasn't ready.

But he had to go.

He placed his hand on the door and imagined the path to the exit. If Yoongi was sparring, he might be able to run across the main room and out the door before he was spotted. But was it a chance worth taking?

He took a deep breath and sighed. Failing his ability to remain unnoticed, he would be able to get out of there and to the train station before Yoongi could catch up with him. He hated the idea of Yoongi knowing, but he had to get out of there. He had to get home. Hopefully it would be dark enough soon that by the time the train pulled in people wouldn't be so concerned with his face or who he was. If he was lucky, they wouldn't even pay attention as he passed.

He took another deep breath and unlocked the door, yanking it open and dashing across the floor.

"X?" Zen called after him.

Taehyung nearly slammed into the door, stumbling, but he managed to get out and slam it behind him, running straight for the train station. As he did, he pulled out his pass card, clenching it tightly in his hand and gritting his teeth. He couldn't stop running. He had to get out of there before Zen put two and two together.

He made it onto the platform and stood, panting, as the train pulled in. He was one of the first on, and he quickly pressed himself into a corner by the exit doors on the other side, lowering his head as the doors closed and fumbling in his pocket for his phone.

His phone wasn't there.

Taehyung's breath caught in his throat, and he started patting his pockets, nearly dropping his pass card as he grew more frantic. The train was already moving. It was too late to go back for it. He hoped the password would be enough to keep any random stranger from logging on and pretending to be him, but he had little hope at that point. Where had he dropped it? Who was most likely to find it? And what would they find? Old photos? Texts? What?

Taehyung leaned against the doors, watching the scenery fly by, and did his best not to break down. But once he stepped out of the train and got out of the train station, his steps slowly turned to a stumbling walk, and he had to sit down on a bench in the park a few blocks from his house, staring at his hands.

His phone.

He had lost his phone.

He would have to report possible identity theft. He would have to contact the administrators.

No. He couldn't do that. He had to go back for it. He couldn't just leave it out there.

But he needed a jacket first. A jacket and a mask. Something to keep himself safer with. He couldn't let them discover him. He just couldn't.

Then again, why did he care? It was password protected. The battery was low. No one would take the phone and actually use it. It was too old of a model to be concerned with anyway. If he was lucky they would take it apart and sell its parts as vintage. He took a deep breath, scolding himself for wanting to go back for it. He could just log into his account as V on his new phone. He didn't need to go back for the old one.

He would be fine.

He was fine. 

We all knew I would find an excuse to double-update twice this week, but I didn't know it would come so soon... I've never broken 100 votes before a story has been fully published. It keeps hitting me how many milestones I'm passing on this account. It's all thanks to you. Thank you for continuing to support me while I play with these ideas and fool around. Your comments always make my day. I purple you!

I hope you enjoy the next chapter as well. :)  

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