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"So, you're sure about the tournaments?" Dreyk asked.

"I dunno," Taehyung said. "Are there any fun fighters there?"

"Yeah," Dreyk said, "The newbies have some hilarious powers."


"There was one named Bubbles this morning," Zen said. "She just made different kinds of fish out of thin air."

Taehyung laughed. "How did that go for her?"

"I burned them," Dreyk said. He flicked a hand forward, igniting flames at the tips of his fingers, then paused, looking at the two of them. "What?"

Taehyung snorted, shaking his head and looking away. "Nothing," he said.

"You should enter the tournaments," Dreyk said.

Blunt as always. Taehyung shot him a smile, shaking his head. "Maybe I will, maybe I won't," he said. But he already knew. Yoongi would enter the tournaments as soon as he could. Before that happened, Taehyung had to get to the top-- and he had to do it fair and square, with a power he hadn't used in years.

Okay, maybe that last part wouldn't be so hard.

But he was starting to feel guilty, and he hadn't even registered for the tournament.

He turned to the arena where Yoongi and Namjoon were fighting, humming under his breath. Yoongi had powered up again, but rather than raising the volume of his attacks he had gained extra control, using concentrated bursts of water to keep Namjoon off balance. It was a good tactic-- Namjoon was a manifestor, creating animals out of nothing and directing them like a puppet master. Both of them were good. Taehyung wondered absentmindedly what would happen if he just walked down, pulled the two of them aside, and turned off his hack. More dramatic problems hadn't shaken Namjoon, but how would Yoongi react?

Taehyung sighed.

"What's up?" Zen asked.

"It's so weird to be back," Taehyung said, kicking one foot back and forth.

"It's weird to have you back," Dreyk said. "How long will you be staying?"

Taehyung stiffened. "What?"

"Don't fool with me," Dreyk said. "You ran away twice. How much longer before you run away again?"

"I-- don't ask me about that," Taehyung said. "I don't want to--"

"You can't keep quitting and running back," Dreyk said. "Make a decision. Are you in or not?"

Taehyung looked at him. Dreyk's eyes were dark. His fists were clenched on his legs and his teeth were bared. He cared about this answer, and Taehyung had nothing good to say.

Taehyung sighed. "I don't know," he said, looking away. "I..."

"Enough," Zen said. "You don't have to talk about it. Will you be coming to the tournament? You could at least check a few of the newbies out."

"Sure," Taehyung said, looking down at his feet. He tapped them on the ground, then looked back out at the arena. Yoongi ducked to avoid one of Namjoon's animals, shouting curses and whipping water at Namjoon's legs. Namjoon formed a panda, and the two of them stopped, staring at it in shock. Taehyung shook his head, leaning back and letting his head drop all the way backward. He was tired. The day had been good, the fights were good, he felt good.

But did he, really? Dreyk was right. He always ended up running away. Was this really where he was supposed to be? How could he just waltz in and try to crush Yoongi's dreams like this, over a stupid bet? Over his past?

It was for the best. That was what he tried to tell himself as he got up, bidding his old friends goodbye and leaving the arena for the train station. He continued trying to tell himself this as he rode the train, as he disembarked, as he huddled against an atm with his hood up and turned off his hack. It was for the best. This way he wouldn't be sucked in again. All he had to do was defeat Yoongi, keep him from coming back.

Besides, Yoongi's dream was stupid. Once he gave up on finding V he would probably keep fighting. Taehyung wasn't ruining his life.

At least, he hoped he wasn't.

"Hey, V," someone said behind him.

Taehyung spun around, gritting his teeth and checking his mask. How could he have been so foolish? He had hoped to avoid challenges, but he looked too much like his old self. He looked the stranger over, taking a deep breath, then shook his head and turned to walk away.

A force slammed into his back, throwing him across the floor. Taehyung pulled up a shield to catch the worst of it, but he still saw stars when his head hit a wall. He grunted, struggling to stand, and felt a bolt of the force slice through his shield. He looked up and saw a white line slice toward him. Pain ripped from his shoulder to his lower back, and he hissed, throwing out a blast of energy without thinking.

A siren somewhere began to wail. Taehyung took a deep breath, looking at the figure lying on the other side of the empty station. Bile rose in his throat. Three officers ran around the corner, and he raised his hands, forcing himself to steady his breathing. He had to stay calm. He had to stay calm.

Oh, f*ck it.

Taehyung let the panic swallow him. 

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