chapter 13

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Sydni and Fallon spent the night with me because we were all going to the concert together.

I woke up first. My stomach had been in a knot all night and this morning. I have some feeling that Myles might be cheating on me. But I don't want to jump to any conclusions.

For the concert I was wearing:
(Up at the top)!

I showered and went downstairs to eat while my hair dried.


YAY! Today was the San Fran show! Plus my birthday!!!!! I really missed anna though. I cant wait to have her in my arms again.

There goes my phone again. Lycia Faith one of the most attractive girls I know is texting me. Trust me I think anna's attractive but Lycia is a different beautiful. I hate saying it though.

Good Morning babe! HAPPY BRITHDAY💙😘😍

I wont lie I have been flirting with her. I cant help it. But I hear she is coming to the performance tonight. So we will see what happens.

Later that day.......


We just left my house. It is 12. The concert isn't until 7:30. We got VIP. So we didn't need to worry about time. I cant wait to see him!


Meet and great just started. I had run back backstage to grab a water. As I was shutting the door, I turned my head to see Lycia. She smirked at me and next thing I knew she was kissing me. Wait more like making out with me. But I didn't pull away. It felt right. It turned into a little make out session. But then I heard the door open.....


When we arrived to the
M&G we surprised Kalin and Jake! They were so happy. I asked Kalin where Myles was. He said backstage. I went to find him.

It didn't take long because they was a giant sign. I smiled, walked in and yell suprise. But, when I did, I didn't expect to see what I did.

I saw myles kissing lycia. More like making out actually. He looked over at me. I started to cry. But I didn't more. I couldn't. I was frozen. He pushed her off while she smirked. He ran over to me but I ran back. I ran past everyone in the M&G and ran outside. As far as I could. Not looking back until I got to a bridge. As I ran out I heard them come after me but I just left. Who cares about me no one. Especially not Myles.

Then I did something I would have never expected. I climbed onto the side of the bridge. And everything went black.

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