Chapter 15

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So I was currently heading over to Sydni and Kalins house. Yes, they did move in together. This happened a month ago.

I was shaking. I was really nervous. I don't know if I could go seeing myles face without crying again.

When I found out they were dating, I coulnt keep myself together. I cried for about four days straight.

I thought me and myles were supposed to be together forever but I was sadly mistaken.

I finally arrived.

I slowly approached their front door. I knocked and was greeted by Sydni. I gave her a smile and a hug and walked in. There he was sitting on the couch. I walked over and gave kalin a hug. I awkwardly sat down. Then came in Lycia. Great.

She sat right on myles lap. And my eyes started to water. I couldn't be here. Not now. I looked back up at them and they were making out.

I quickly looked at Sydni and I gave her a look like I was going to leave. She nodded and I stood up. I walked out before the tears came pouring out of my eyes.

I heard the door open again and Myles voice behind me. I ignored it and got to my car. Before I got in, he stopped me.

"Oh so you aren't over me you pathetic looser."

"Get the eff away you asshole. I don't need this now."

"its okay. You can go home and cry by yourself."

"Myles, I feel bad for Lycia. Yeah I do. You have turned into an ass. And I cant wait for the loving sweet myles to come back out. I know that isn't the real you inside there. And I cant wait for him. Yes I am heartbroken but its whatever. I cant change anything about that. You made your choice and I cant change that. Just know I will always love you."

With that I opened my car door and drove away. Meanwhile myles stood there shocked.


I feel awful for what I said. I do love her but I cant be with her. Maybe I can. I don't know. I need to figure this out.

I FINALLY DECIDED WHAT I AM GOING TO DO! But I don't think she will be happy......


Wow! 2 updates in one day!! Sorry for the long time without one for awhile. I was super busy. Now I am becoming more free. Hope you guys enjoy! I will try to update more frequently. Leave me a note in the comments for 2 reasons.
One: I am looking for other people to add to the story. So leave me your name, hair color, eye color, height and description.
Two: How frequently you want updates. I cant do one every second obviously but I want you guys involved so let me know!

Also, if you have any suggestions leave them in the comments!

Thanks Guys!!!!


The 3 Musketeers (Kalin and Myles Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ