Part 3: So his name is?

Start from the beginning

Silas' eyes are still widened in shock, but then he smirks at me yet again... Bastard... "Well then... I guess i'll just have to train you then... All puppies can be trained..." he mused, but he made sure i could hear him. As a response; i spit at him, but he doesn't seem that worried, even though there's some spit on his shirt... whatever... "Oh really? Then i should tell you right now that hugs and kisses won't work on me... Silas..." i purr out his name, he stiffens slightly, his expression hides how uncomfortable it makes him feel... Hell yes, i'm that good... "Whatever..." he huffs, standing up from his chair, he slowly walks over to me again, ruffles my hair and then leaves... Probably to go hide in his dark cave where he plots out his next evil plan... Did i mention i have a lively imagination? Well now you know...

Somehow, i feel like i won some sort of battle... But the war between us has surely barely begun... WIth a sinking feeling i realize that it probably won't be over for a long, long time... I hiss, i can still feel his hand on my head... When i think back on it, his hand was warmer than i expected... And i didn't really hate having my hair ruffled.... Of course, i would have felt much better about it if mom was the one doing it... I laugh quietly to myself as i think back to the time when my mother used to ruffle my hair whenever i did something good, or if i was scared and everynight before bed...

One of the few things i missed about her... I'm still pissed at her though... If she had just sent me to a normal school, i wouldn't be in this much trouble... I sigh yet again, i can understand why she did it though... I mean, she did get paid so that i could go here... A little opposite of what's usual but sure, i'll take it... But that doesn't mean i have to be happy about it...

Well, sulking in here all day isn't going to help shit... I guess i could go to my room an take a bath or something... Thank god for private bathrooms... And thank you, for adding bathtubs... So i can't say that all is bad, just most... Real pessimistic i know, but that's me allright... I breathe out as i stand up from the couch... My lazy side is telling me to sit my ass back down, but my love for lon hot baths is stronger... I actually manage to drag my feet back to my bedroom, halleluja! As soon as my bedroom door is closed, i throw my clothes off. I grab a soda-bottle from my suitcase... Sure it's half empty but soda is soda... I just love the feel of carbon dioxide... They way it prickles as you swallow the soda... One of life's few pleasures nowadays... I actually kind of wonder how old soda is? WHo created it and when?

Meh, probably some snobby all-imortant dude in a labcoat and glasses...I quickly fill up my bathtub... The water is hot enough to keep me warm for a few hours but not warm enough to burn me as i enter... i hate getting used to scalding water, sucks ass... When i have enough water i turn the faucet off and i lower myself into the tub. A sigh of both relief and contentment forces itself past my lips, but i welcome it... Feel too good to care really... I quickly take a sip of my soda, hmm... Lots of the fizz is gone, but not all of it thankfully... I just hate dull soft drinks... Call me addicted or whatever you'd like... But i chose to be this way... Besides, i doubt a measly soda addiction would hurt anybody... Except for my teeth...

I sigh, sinking further, until my head is underwater... I can't help but smile as the water warms up my entire face, caresses my hair and muffles every other sound... It's like my worries just float out of my body. I resurface, sighing in content. Nothing beats a good looong bath after a stressful day... Even the feel of Silas' hand, and his ughhh... Disgusting lips seems to just, wash away...

After my bath i just flop down onto my bed, a towel sloppily thrown over my head. What the fuck am i supposed to do now? I could read some of the comics i brought? But i've read them so many times before... so boring... Now that i think about it; Mom did give me some books i can read... Books aren't really my thing but meeh... Might be interesting enough... I pick up a navy colored book from my suitcase, "Under the stars..." i read out loud... The author isn't listed, which i find strange, but upon reading the backside i quickly realize just what kind of book it is; Great... Housemother porn... Whatever, might be a good means of killing time...

After twenty minutes i regret ever doubting housemother porn... Seriously this book is hardcore as shit! It's only chapter five and the main character kicks ass! In chapter two she kicked her future love interest in the fucking face! That's what you get you skirt peeking bastard! Oh god i'm getting waaay to excited over this shit... God i'm turning into such a fucking sissy... But ah, who gives a shit? If i think it's good then i think it's good... Thank god mom sent all of the books in this series with me... Before i even realize it, it's alredy past the time i should be asleep... I never knew how time move so quickly while chilling in your pj's with a good book... i want to read more though... But if i'm to survive Silas' bullshit tomorrow, i should probably get some shut-eye... Man what a drag... I reluctantly place the book down, and turn off the lights. Slowly my eyes droop close, and i drift off... Dreaming of ass-kicking heroines, asshole vampires and bullshit schools...

A/N: So sorry for the late update guys! But it's finally done! I often think "naah i'll do it later" when i work on this, but when i first sit down and start writing, it becomes such fun! Ah, but i was wondering if there was anything you wanted me to add? A friend of mine: GabrielleStephano(whom i shall dedicate this chapter to) suggested i ask you guys for opinions, and she also asked if i could have Kendal meet more humans, each with different stories and such... she even gave me a few suggestions for Charlie! Thanks sistah!

Oh and by the way, for those of you who don't know; Housemotherporn is what we call romance books with mild sexual scenes aimed at young women here in Norway, in Norwegian it's called "Husmorsporno" just so you know...

Oh and if anybody could help me make a better cover i would seriously cry tears of joy...

Please leave me a comment with your thoughts on the matter, until next time!


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