𝟬𝟯. homesick

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times are gone for honest men


     𝐆otham City. A place she once knew. A place where she buried her past behind and never looked back once. Until now as she looked out the window, her chest bubbled with a strange feeling. It wasn't fear. She no longer feared where she had come from. This city had tortured her but it didn't shape her into who she is now. This place might have created her but it did not raise her.

    Aurora did all of those herself and that's why she wasn't so scared about seeing the familiar place she once walked through.

     Other than that, it didn't take long before Aurora decided to move her seat and left Jason in the back of the truck. It was quite strange, being back in her hometown. Dick drove the car to Gotham because he told them he was going to talk to someone about something. She figured that someone was a man associated with bats but she didn't say anything.

     Everything felt so familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time. Maybe it was because she was no longer that person that left Gotham City. It was like a painful prick in the back of her head when she remembered why she run away in the first place. She tried to be strong, forging herself into someone that would take no shit from anyone anymore.

     But little did she know, it was only a matter of time before she broke.

     They didn't stay long in Gotham, and the last thing she knew, they were back on the road once again. Aurora slept through it all, ignoring everything as best as she could. It seemed to be the only thing she could do these days when she could feel herself dissipating from her own consciousness. Truthfully, she was scared and confused.

     Jason had been babbling about his so-called demotion and that it was not really a demotion. Basically, Dick was told by Batman to train the reckless hero and let him stay with them in the meantime. Neither of them was too eager about it since Jason Todd can be a little asshole at unfortunate times.

     However, Aurora didn't think much of it. She had learned to give people the benefit of the doubt over time.

     Aurora sighed under her breath and lifted her head from Gar's shoulder as she looked through the window, noticing the familiar setting. Golden Gate Bridge. She heard Rachel ask the former Robin in the driver's seat where were they headed and she intently listened in as she leaned her back against the seat.

    Jason poked the back of her head and she abruptly glared at him. He only snickered at her in response. Gar noticed it and let the grumpy girl bury her face in his arm. He carefully shifted on his seat and began to gently run his fingers through her ginger hair without any other words. They never needed one anyway.

     "I thought it was obvious," Dick said, sounding amused. "I mean, this bridge has been in a ton of movies."

     "Yeah, but where exactly?" Gar questioned.

     Dick smirked at them through the side mirror. "You'll see."

     Jason groaned. "God, I hate surprises."

     As they reached their destination, there was an uncomfortable silence that settled between all of them. The only source of the noise came from the small speakers on the corners of the elevator. That alone made them want to rip off their ears. It was the most excruciating ride to the top.

     When the elevator doors opened, Aurora swore she could almost hear a pin drop. However, she was left in awe when they stepped out She stood between Rachel and Dick while the two other men stood in the front, glancing around the place with pure disbelief and amazement like a bunch of little kids on Christmas day.

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