𝟭𝟳. the darkest minds

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the demons in the back of our mind


     𝐒omething had changed around the old house of the Azaraths. Maybe it was the less people. Or the fact that they had so much to say but no amount of words that could explain. Ever since Kory had run off and Dick and Donna had followed her━there was a lingering heaviness in the air. Like something really dreadful was about to happen.

     Honestly, Aurora didn't want to think about it after all that happened in the past few days. The killing, the running, and the torture. She thought she was already forgetting about it, but then new things━terrible things come up, and she had no choice but to suck it up.

     Right now, Gar was sitting at the end of the table in the dining area, Aurora across Rachel, and the three of them were eating the soup that Angela made in heavy silence. Well, Gar and Aurora were eating, trying to enjoy what they have, and the youngest teen around them was poking her food with a spoon, a sullen look plastered on her pale face as the faint glow from the orange lamp lit her face.

     Gar seemed to notice it, and he deeply sighed, dropping his utensil as he looked at their friend, who simply continued to play with her food. Aurora slowly lowered her spoon and shared a look with him. If Rachel had noticed their stares, she didn't say anything.

     "You gotta eat," Gar told Rachel.

     "I'm not hungry," She muttered.

      Silence surrounded the table once more.

     "Rachel," Gar said hardly. Like he knew that wasn't just the reason. They all knew.

     "I must have done something to Kory," Rachel said, finally opening up. Gar pursed his lips, realizing what had been bothering her. She glanced at them. Her eyes filled with blame and regret but for herself. "Scrambled her brain and drove her mad."

     Aurora looked down at her bowl. She understood what she was feeling, but then again, she wasn't the one in her position. She couldn't possibly know what Rachel was truly feeling at the moment. So, she simply listened while trying to find the right words to say as the girl she grew to care about blamed herself for something that wasn't her fault.

     "I shouldn't have done it." Rachel shook her head in disappointment. All of it was directed at herself. "I only made things worse for her."

     "That's not true," Aurora murmured.

     "Even if you did do something, which we don't think you did, it was an accident," Gar said gently. Rachel glanced at them. He subtly gulped and looked down at the table. "Dick and Wonder Girl are gonna figure it all out. They'll help Kory and bring her back."

     "He's right." Aurora nodded slightly. "None of it was your fault. And I'm sure they've found Kory now. They'll be back."

     Rachel looked at her but frowned when she noticed the same bruises on her neck that she had. Only worse. "You're hurt because of me."

     "It was barely a scratch." Aurora gave her a faint smile, hoping it would make her feel a little better. But it didn't seem to work as Rachel continued frowning, but she didn't say anything else.

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