𝟬𝟰. hell and back

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i don't know what to be without you


     𝐇er eyes, cerulean and heavy, bore into the flames dancing on the fireplace in front of her. The night had come, and Aurora couldn't remember how long she'd been sitting on the couch and just thinking. The only noise came from the crackling of the fire and wood, and the faint sound of the device next to her blaring out an old Fleetwood Mac song.

    She snapped out of her thoughts when Gar suddenly appeared from the hallway with a plate of pizza in his hand. Upon seeing the color of the pizza, she knew it was something vegetarian again. She wasn't too surprised. After all, he had done the same thing before back in the manor, always bringing around new stuff she'd never seen before. 

     Aurora did try a generous amount of the food but ended up spitting the piece back out. For some reason, vegan stuff does not agree with her stomach. Or maybe she just hasn't found the right type of vegan food.

     The sky rumbled from the harsh rain pouring outside the windows. It gave the living room a gloomy feeling. The stars weren't visible since the clouds were mostly covering half the sky. Even the moon's glow wasn't doing much lighting the bustling streets of New York even at this late time. Aurora let out a relieved sigh. Just like she said before, she loved the rain but not when she was outside.

     "Why are you alone?" Gar frowned slightly as he took the empty seat next to her, placing the plate on the table.

    Aurora scooted closer to him and Gar placed an arm around her shoulders, letting her put her head against his chest. The redhead closed her eyes and listened to the sound of his heartbeat which was strangely beating a little faster than usual. Gar quietly gulped from the close proximity and casually ran his fingers through his hair, like it would do much to calm down his racing heart.

    Putting his chin over her head, he eventually zoned out. Aurora kept silent and let her mind shut off from the negativity running through it. Soon enough, his heart started to calm down and Gar felt himself dozing off. Then it abruptly ended when a loud thunder cut through the air. He jumped a little, almost making them both fall from the couch.

     "Oh, shit━" Gar cursed as he placed his hand over his chest.

    Aurora stifled her laugh as she sat up straight on the couch. "You okay?"

     Gar nodded repeatedly. Then he cleared his throat. "Yeah... Of course, I am."

    "The pizza... are you gonna eat it or?" Aurora asked confusedly and his face went from confused to panicked in a second.

    "Right, I'll give that to Rachel," Gar said mischievously and then frowned at the last two words he uttered because he loved vegan food. "She hates vegan food."

    Aurora hummed in response and stretched her feet until they reached the floor. Then the green-haired boy stood up and grabbed the plate from the coffee table. She stood as well, giving him a quick peck on his cheek, which automatically put a smile on his face. It's like everything she does just makes me feel a lot better than he was.

    "I'll be in my room," She told him.

    As soon as she went inside her room, Aurora felt something in the air change. Like there was an impending doom. Likely the one she will cause. Her hands twitched, and she frowned, feeling something pulling inside her chest. For the millionth time, she tried to ignore it and plopped down on the gray mattress. She laid on her back, hoping there wasn't anything to see when darkness took over as she closed her eyes.

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