𝟬𝟱. doom patrol

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broken crayons still color


     𝐑achel stared at the Caulder Mansion from afar with such awe Aurora had never seen before. It was refreshing, and she couldn't help but smile a little. There was something familiar about her and yet so foreign. The girl probably had never seen such a thing up close in her whole life. Hell, she'd never been able to live inside one. It all explained her masked giddiness and that amazed twinkle in her ocean-blue eyes.

     "Woah," Rachel said in awe. "You two live there?"

     Gar smirked. "Come on."

   They made their way to the back of the mansion where the entrance of their underground haven called, Nirvana was. (It literally means a place of happiness and peace. Not the rock band, although she thought they were great, too). Aurora led them in the front, letting Gar do all the talking while she strayed as far as she could. Not that she didn't trust Rachel. It was herself she didn't trust from completely letting her guard down around her in fear of hurting the girl.

     She stood beside Gar, looking down the set of stairs that led down their special basement. Their sweet getaway from the real world. I mean, it was more of Gar's getaway, but Aurora liked being with him, and he made her feel... safe. In a way, while the basement Nirvana was his safe place━he was hers. Or maybe they were each others.

     "We're going down here?" Rachel asked with an unsure tone in her voice.

     "Oh, yeah." Gar grinned. "Cool, huh? Come on."

      Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, Gar opened the door and let the girls inside first as he followed after, closing the door. The darkness flooded them like a cloak. A pretty scary and uncomfortable cloak. But they weren't scared. The teenagers were used to the darkness surrounding them every chance it got.

     "So, what is this place?" Rachel asked, feeling Aurora brush past her shoulder.

     It was kind of hard not to notice her. Her red hair slightly glowed, which was strange for anyone who didn't know what she could do. It glowed like one of those things you attach to the ceiling, or like a glowstick. Except hers was a dark shade of red. Like blood. Rachel chose not to say anything about it.

     "We call it..." Gar trailed off, then he turned on the electricity to all of the machines and the lights in the room. "Nirvana."

     "Holy shit," Rachel gasped quietly. Her eyes immediately searched through the countless video games and different vintage things around the spacious basement. She wasn't going to lie. It was so much better than the roller rink.

     "You want a pop?" Gar rushed behind the polished counter where Aurora situated herself, watching him with slight amusement. "I got everything. Root beer? Orange Crush? Grape Crush?"

     "Grape." Rachel nodded.

     His grin never faded. He opened the fridge and searched for the bottled drink, grabbing two of them and an orange one for himself. He stood beside Aurora, opening the bottles, and handing one to her after he was done.

     "That's an original," Gar said when he noticed Rachel staring at a poster on the wall. "1948. You ever see it?

     "Aren't you a little young to be watching something so old?" Rachel asked weirdly.

     "You mean classic." He corrected her. The boy had never been this enthusiastic since she arrived, and Aurora couldn't help but feel her chest bubbling with joy. Even for a while. "I've got every Abbot and Costello Meet a Monster."

Wild Fire ━━ Gar Logan Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt