Proper Studio

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"Who wants to tear up the town with me tonight?" Roger stopped playing and threw his drumsticks up in the air, catching them he pointed one towards himself

"Count me in."
I looked towards the others, Brian gave me a thumbs up and John was looking down at his bass

"Deacy darling, you've got to come."
"I don't know Freddie, it gets a bit too crazy for me."
I walked over and threw my arms around him

"You can't leave me with these two, pleaseeee,"
He just laughed
"And I'll be there too save you from the craziness."

That seemed to do it. John sighed dramatically "Fine I'll come."
I clapped my hands, delighted and walked towards the piano.
"I had a call from John Reid before I got here and-"
"You're only telling us now?" Roger shouted from across the room

"Yes, yes whatever. As I was saying, he has told us we need to come up with an album with these few songs we've made. And that we have our first gig at Truro!"
It wasn't the biggest gig but it was certainly something. Another stepping stone I like to say.

"Thats bloody awesome! But when does he want this album by?"
I paused, hoping they would be as confident as I was in being able to finish one soon.
"About 2 or 3 weeks i'd say."
I looked over at Deacy who was keeping quiet up until now.

"You don't think we can do it?"
Brian cut in before John could speak up
"It's not much time Fred."
I walked over to my notepad I always left on top of the piano and flicked through the songs I had written and we had performed to that little radio shop that Claire worked at, and the ones we had yet to let people hear. I flicked my wrist out and stated quite pointedly

"Well we already have about 6 songs written up, we just need to tweak them, but other then that we only need a couple more songs for a record."
Brian clapped his hands together and stood up

"Let's get to it then, you think that Jeff guy will still let us use that studio? It's getting a little cramped doing this in your apartment."
He looked towards Roger and I who just shrugged
"I don't see why not?"
I raced over to the phone and dialed Claire's number

"Hello darling, guess who?"
I could almost hear her roll her eyes
"What do you want Freddie?"
"Could you do me a small favour?"
She stayed silent for a few moments

"What is it?"
"We want to use that studio of yours and was hoping maybe you could organise that for us?"
"What's in it for me?"

I just stood there not knowing what to say, I was certainly not expecting that answer
"Erm uh... Oh I know! You can come out with us tonight!"
"I don't know if that's a good idea"
"Oh please, don't get your panties in a knot it's the least I can do."

As she processed the idea in her head I gave her no time to reply
"Okay thanks dear, see you tonight!"
And with a pucker of my lips i hung up the phone and pranced back into the other room

"Sorted, hope you don't mind Claire coming along tonight."
Roger scoffed but before he could say something I cut in
"Let me rephrase that, Claire will be coming tonight."

I don't think Roger much liked her, he wasn't used to being rejected and she had gone and done just that, thats probably why I was attracted to her. Not that I like her ofcourse, she's attractive so its only natural really.

I looked up, shaking myself from my thoughts and found Brian cautiously staring at me which made me blush, he couldn't read my thoughts why was I blushing?

"Well does she at least have a friend she can bring along?"
Roger had no self-control, but who could blame him when he had girls throwing themselves at him all the time? I always thought the singers got all the girls, but not me, they much preferred Roger. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and quickly cast my gaze down and pressed my lip back over my teeth, no wonder. But before I could let my thoughts carry me in that direction I answered back

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2019 ⏰

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