Let me take you out to lunch

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Claire's pov

I woke to the smell of bacon and eggs wafting in from downstairs, well this is a surprise. Troy never cooks, let alone bacon and eggs. I stretched out along the bed not wanting to get up, but decided the food was more tempting then bed. 'Well what's all this then?' Troy doesn't even look up as he continues to flip the eggs, 'My breakfast.' I watch as he fills one plate up, and sits down at the table digging in. He catches me staring and nods his head while he swallows it 'What is that look for?' I scoffed 'Not going to share then?' He stopped eating and mockingly replied 'I thought we made plans and meals separately now? Don't we cook our own food now?' My mouth dropped, how childish could he be? 'Excuse you but I cook and slave away for YOU allll the time, I never hear you offering to cook dinner. I don't cook for once as I'm going out with work mates -for a work related thing by the way- and you throw a massive tantrum like this!?' He looked quite shocked by my words but I couldn't care less, I was so sick of his lazy attitude lately. Leaving his food he got up and walked straight out the door. The cars engine revved up and faded off as he drove away. I collapsed onto the table rubbing my temples, our first fight in 6 months, 6 months of pent up emotions. It was bound to happen sooner or later.

I sat curled up on the couch feeling guilty as all hell, when Troy walked back in the door a few hours later. I got up and ran over to him apologising 'I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me baby I shouldn't have gotten mad at you." He pulled me into his embrace 'No you shouldn't have, but it's okay I forgive you.' He whispered into my hair. We watched a couple of movies on the couch as the rain drizzled outside, until it was time for Troy to go to work. I had the afternoon off so I decided to take myself out to lunch. As I walked down the street trying to decide what I felt like eating I spotted Freddie window shopping some sort of antique store, before I could turn around and go back the way I had came his dark gaze met mine and his face lit up. He made his way over to me as I was frozen still 'Fancy seeing you here.' He smirked at me and as he took a step closer I took one back, the confusion that spread itself across his face had my insides churning with guilt. 'Is something wrong darling?' I started picking at a bit of thread on my handbag when I replied 'Freddie i'm sorry but last night was a mistake, I-' He cut me off with a finger pressed to my lips 'It was no mistake Claire, you wanted me as bad as i wanted you, I could see it in your eyes.' I gently pulled his finger away and sighed 'Freddie I have a boyfriend.' I watched as his face dropped and his gaze became stoney 'Oh. How nice of you to mention, you must really love him.' His face was so gorgeous, I hated seeing it's delicate features tormented all because of me. It was undeniable that I was attracted to him, I couldn't help that but I don't cheat, I shocked myself when I let him kiss me last night. But Troy, did I really love him? Well I must if I've hung around for this long. He's been like a rock for me, isn't that what love is about?
Shaking myself from my thoughts I felt his dark eyes piercing through me, trying to understand. 'I'm so sorry Freddie, the thing is I'm never like that. I've been cheated on countless times before and I would never dream of doing that to someone else, but with you, I don't know it's like I had no control.' He smirked slightly nodding his head 'So you do feel it then?' I didn't know what I felt, or what was happening so I just shrugged 'Look, Claire, at least let me take you out to lunch, I want to get to know you.' I looked around feeling guilty, Freddie must have sensed I was uncomfortable as he then added 'Just as friends Ofcourse.' I gace a short nod and smiled 'Ofcourse.'

'So your telling me you live woth that Roger in a fashion store that you both run?' I tried my best to hold it in but as soon as he said yes I threw my head back and burst out laughing. 'I'm sorry it's just, well it's so you from what I can tell,' i thoughtfully rested my chin on my hand ' No offence or anything, but I just really can't picture you as ever being a rock star.' Freddie looked amused by this and leant in closer 'And why is that my dear?' Because your so angelic and gentle? 'Rock stars are all yelling, strutting and demanding. Your far from those things, except maybe strutting.' Freddie leant back in his chair folding his arms and took another sip of his Moscato 'Oh I'll show you Claire, one day you'll wonder why you ever questioned my abilities.' I ordered my 6th, or was it 7th glass of wine and turned to him 'I'm not doubting that your a beautiful singer, because you are! It's just hard to imagine you being hardcore.' I regretted my word choice as soon as he winked at me 'Oh darling I can be hardcore don't you worry.' Taking a long sip of wine to cover my reddening face, I stood up and almost fell straight back over, until Freddie caught me 'Can't handle your drink sweetheart?' I pushed him away from me and straightened myself up 'Of course I can.' He grabbed my waist and pulled me in closer, ' Oh can you just?' He grabbed my hand and led me to a secluded corner, I felt my heart beating fasted and the alcohol pumping through me making me excited. He used his slender fingers to gently push me back against the wall, he put his head in the crook between my shoulder and neck and started breathing heavily. His soft hair was tickling my nose and I tried not to laugh, or sneeze 'Freddie what are you doing.' I whispered into his hair, he started kissing my neck gently 'I'm trying so hard to control myself.' He said inbetween kisses. My eyes fluttered shut at the sensation, seeing that I was enjoying this he slid his hand to the back and cupped my backside pressing himself into me so I could feel everything. His mouth made it's way to mine and he slipped his tongue between my lips, not needing to force entry as I relished in his taste. I could tell he was aroused, not just from the bulge in his pants pressed firmly against me but from the way he started to nibble on my lip. Just as things were getting more intense a few people walked by staring at us and I quickly slipped away from him trying to catch my breath. I quickly sobered up when I realised what was about to go down and I made a beeline straight to the table to collect my things. I threw some cash on the table and half ran towards the door. Freddie's hand gripped my elbow before I could get any further and he spun me around 'Claire I'm so sorry please don't go.' I pulled my arm away from him, hating myself every second I was hurting him 'I'm sorry I've got to go.' And with that I dashed out of the restaurant and made my way back home.


Authors note:

I feel like I'm really bad at trying to write these scenes omg. Anyway hope you enjoyed reading it 😂❤

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