We meet again

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Freddies pov

I watched as Claire sauntered out of the room. God she was stunning, not many people captivate me but she was doing one hell of a job. I watched as her long, wavy dark hair bounced as she walked away, my eyes raking down her body, taking it all in as she went into her office and slammed the door. Roger was back next to me snapping his fingers in my ear, I turned and looked at him rolling my eyes.

'Found yourself a nice piece of meat aye Fred?' He winked at me, well he tried to at least.

'Oh shut up darling, your just jealous she's not going to be your piece of meat.' I wandered past him and out the front of the studio where the other boys were waiting for us.

'Take your time why don't you?' Brian shook his head, leaning against Roger's van.

They all drove back to his and Roger's shared apartment. It was very small considering it was in the back of a clothing store they also owned. Making barely any money but enough to survive. It was quite an interesting life he led at the moment, it was quite laughable really. Here he was dropping everything, living in a run down clothing store, all for their band. But it wasn't laughable at all, for he knew his voice was fabulous and that this small group of boys were going to make something of themselves. He dropped everything because he really had faith, he knew he was star. He was just waiting for the rest of the world to agree with him. I wonder what Claire thinks of me? All she would really see is a boy with ridiculous teeth that's part of a band that hasn't got a single hit to their name-yet.

'Freddie, are you even listening?' I looked up startled to see that all three boys were looking back at me expectantly 'Ah, kind of?' Roger rolled his eyes 'What we were saying is if this radio gig hits off, we could be noticed by others but we need to have more songs, more hits' I slowly started to nod and grabbed out my notebook flicking through it's pages 'I have got a few ideas actually, there just starting up really but I'll get cracking onto them.' The boys nodded their approval and we decided to have a celebratory drink for being on a radio. They all raised their glasses in a toast as I said 'Cheers boys, here's to the beginning'.

'Freddie, Fred! Wake up!' Groaning I rolled over and fell off something. 'Jesus Christ I'm up what is it?' Roger looked down at Freddie on the floor then looked over to Brian who spoke 'We had a call this morning, John Reid wants to meet up with us, he looks after Elton John!' Roger was bounding up and down 'Us Fred, US!' A grin spread itself across my face and I pulled them all into a group hug, ' How did he here about us?' Deacy finally spoke up 'It was the radio we did a few demos for and the interview too, might have to go down and thank them huh Fred.' He winked at me and I became confused. 'Yeah you might have to give that chick a little thank you present.' Now it was Rogers turn to wink and I understood what they were talking about- Claire. I tried hiding a small grin but it didnt go unnoticed by the boys 'Aw Freddie has a crush.' Rolling my eyes i looked back at Roger 'God your so childish.'

I double checked my reflection, trying for the fourth time that day to tame my untameable double crown. I walked into the studio my eyes scanning for Claire, really I was meant to be here to thank whatever his name was but I came alone so I was going to thank her instead.

'Hello there.' I spun around and kissed her hand again, I loved seeing her blush 'So we meet again.' She pulled her hand out of mine flustered 'So we do, what are you doing here?' I folded my arms and leant against a wall 'Actually I've come to thank you, your radio station has helped us grab the attention of the John Reid.' I smiled smugly as her mouth dropped 'Wow thats- Omg, our radio station, and you guys! Well ofcourse you were brilliant so its only expected but-' she looked up spotting his smirk and she looked down 'Sorry im rambling.' He shook his head 'Oh no dont apologise dear, its absolutely adorable.'

Claire's pov

This man was driving me crazy, my cheeks were on fire. He put his fingers unded my chin and lifted my face up to look into his eyes, I waited for him to say something but he didn't he just kept looking into my eyes. This gave me a chance to look at his dark pools of honey and I had the odd sensation to get lost in them. 'Erhm Freddie it's good to see you again!' Jeff's voice cut through the air tearing our gazes apart. Involuntarily I stepped away from Freddie and tried not to make eye contact with my boss. 'I was just hear to thank you and your wonderful staff for airing our songs.' Jeff waved his hands around 'Oh it was nothing, really.' I raised my eyebrows at Freddie who smirked 'Well actually you caught John Reid's attention for us.' And I watched as Jeff's mouth dropped the same as mine had. We were such a small radio company that hadn't actually interviewed people who had gotten further then our studio. 'Would you like to join me for dinner tonight dear? Just me and the boys.' Biting my lip I went to answer before Jeff beat me to it, 'Of course we would love to come!' Freddie pursed his lips as he kept his eyes on me before clapping his hands together, 'Great, yes, the two of you.' He gave us the address and with a wink he was gone again. I turned to Jeff and was suprised how mad he looked 'Don't you go thinking you can just run off with boys like him, you have commitments Claire.' I stood in the same spot as he stormed off, who was he to tell me what to do? Had I done something to make him such a grouch?

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