John Reid

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Hey guys this one's a shorter one, still processing different ideas in my head, hope your enjoying it 🙂

Freddie's pov

Slamming the door shut I went inside and sat on my bed, head in my hands. This was so damn frustrating! A little part of me felt guilty for chasing after a woman who was taken, but clearly he musn't be that great. Shes attractive and i'm only human after all.
I heard a light tap on the wall and looked up to see Roger cautiously staring at me
'Everything alright Fred?' I shook myself out of my little pity party and managed a smile
'Why wouldn't I be?' He squinted his eyes in suspicion
'Would this have anything to do with Claire?' My head snapped up, how the hell did he know? I haven't been that obvious have I? 'How do you know?' Roger pointed a finger towards the window
'Fred you literally had lunch with her two blocks down, not that I was watching but, you know. I just glanced out the window for a second.' I groaned and fell back against the bed, the beauty of living in a main street!
'I don't know why I can't stop thinking about her rog, I barely know her and yet I can't keep her out of my thoughts.' Roger put his hand on his chin and shrugged 'That is weird isn't it.' Roger, born a playboy, would find any form of affection strange, so he wasn't very helpful.
'If you like her so much why don't you just tell her?' I groaned into my hands 'She has a boyfriend.' Roger tsked infront of me 'Well... that's a bit of a road block then huh?' I stood up and he patted me on the shoulder 'Yes it is.'


'Stop making a scene! He could turn up any second!' John glared at us all, I fluffed my hair up for the uptenth time that evening. Looking around the cafè I saw that apart from us there was only one other couple, at least we had some sort of privacy.

'Okay Freddie- don't be dramatic and play nice, Roger- don't whine about anything, and John- well, you do you.' I rolled my eyes at Brian's little speech 'Brian, when am I ever dramatic?' They all looked at me then and started laughing.
'Queen I presume?' Silence settled over us as we looked towards the voice.
Oh god, this was it. This is our chance, Oh please don't let me stuff this up.
Brian reached out to shake his hand, being the closest.

'Yes, John Reid is it?' The man before us had plain brown hair and kind eyes, he didn't look the slightest intimidating.
'Aye, and you are?'
And he was Scottish. Cool.

'Brian May, lead guitarist.'
He went around shaking our hands as we introduced ourselves, but before he gave me a chance to speak he said
'Freddie Mercury, I could tell from a mile away.' He winked at me while the others snickered, so what I liked to dress a little extravagantly? I hate boring.
'Well let's get straight down to buisness!'

After proving that we were worthy we were given the details of the contract and what he could do for us at the moment. I was keeping cool and collected, I did not want to come off as desperate although I wanted to scream out in joy that the ball was finally rolling, looking over at Roger though he obviously wasn't thinking the same as his mouth was hanging open and he couldn't stop nodding and grinning.
'Well boys I'll be in contact to discuss your first gig, a real gig.' And with another wink he was off.

'Well that went well I would say.' John crossed his arms and smiled,
'Went well? It was bloody brilliant! I reckon he took one look at me and knew we would be going somewhere.'
We all rolled our eyes in sync. 'What?' Brian gave him the thumbs up 'Oh yeah it was all you buddy good job.' Roger nodded his head triumphantly
'Roger, look at me. I was clearly the attraction!' John and Brian sighed 'Here we go again.'


After a few celebratory drinks I went back to my room and fell to the bed with exhaustion, I looked over at the time which was 9pm. How was it so early? The phone began to rang and I groaned. I played there waiting for Roger to answer it, but when it just kept ringing I went out and grabbed it, who the hell calls this late? 'Yes?'
'Oh hi freddie! It's Jeff, sorry to be calling this late.' Who was Jeff?
'That's okay how can I help?' His voice sounded vaguely familiar I'll admit.
'I heard your interview with John Reid went well! I was just going to let you know your free to use our studio for practice or whatever if you need.' Ohhhhh Jeff, Claire's boss. Well this could be handy indeed, what if she doesn't want to see me again though?
'I might just take you up on that offer Jeff.' At least I get to see her then, what am I thinking get it together Freddie she's taken. 'That's great! We will just have to organise times you can come in and...' My thoughts drifted back to Claire as Jeff talked away about the studio, was she disgusted by me maybe? She let me kiss her so maybe not.. Or did she? Her plump pink lips felt so nice against mine, I wonder how they would feel against something else...
I felt my pants get tighter around me and I blushed, even though no one was around. 'Thanks Jeff, I better get going it's getting late but I'll get back to you.' And with that I quickly hung up and ran myself a hot shower, I was tipsy and turned on (bit more on the drunk side then tipsy) not a good combination to be when the girl of your thoughts is only a phone call away, a mischievous smile was planted on my face as i turned the shower off, wrapped a towel around me and headed straight for the phone. This girl is going to be the death of me.

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