Good ole fashioned lover boy

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I woke up late the next morning, rolling over i saw that Troy had already left for work. With a sigh i get up and put my dressing gown on. I dont have to start until late again today, but just as i start to figure out my plans for the day the phone down stairs starts ringing. I race down and answer it

'Claire, would you be able to come in early today? Stone co- Queen are going to sing a few demos for us but we already gave interviews booked in. We need you down here.' Once Jeff hung up the phone I got dressed as quick as I could.

I decided to actually put some effort in today, and as I poured my coffee into a travel mug I noticed my hands shaking. Get a grip of yourself why are you so nervous?

As soon as I stepped into the studio I was being pulled into a side room by Jeff, through all the people squished in here

'Uh so the recording room is where Queen will be doing demos, you can have this room for the interviews. There is a band out there now, 'wildcats' or something?' I peaked out the door at all the people before spinning back around to Jeff

'It's to loud to do an interview! Especially with another band doing demos in the background!'

'Make it work' And with a hard slap on the shoulder he was gone.

I walked out after him to look for the band wildcats that were getting ready for their interview. I snuck a glance towards the recording room and found that it was still empty. What's with bands and thinking they can be late to everything. I roll my eyes and walk towards the back of the building.

I put my hand over my mouth to stop the burst of laughter coming from me. the first thing I see is a group of 5 men who have identical long shaggy mullets and they each have a moe. It wasnt the hairstyles that were funny, they are actually quite popular at the moment, it was the fact that they all looked way too similar.

I began the interview with the same old questions, not really paying much attention. While one of the band members is explaining in GREAT detail about his role in the band, an angelic voice makes my ears prick up. I glance out the window towards the studio and I slightly gasp. There freddie is in all his white clothed glory looking like a god damn angel and the words coming out of his mouth had me mesmerized

'So please don't go
don't leave me here all by myself
I get ever so lonely
from time to time'
He had his eyes closed and the raw emotion was etched across his face. I'd never seen anything more beautiful.

"Erhm mam?' Startled I looked back at the confused band that were waiting for my next questions. Embarrassed I asked the next few questions, too distracted to care about their answers. I want to hear more of that song! Who was it written for? Did he write it? As soon as the interview was over I thanked them for their time and rushed out the door hoping to hear more of Queen before they left.
The studio was empty once again, Ofcourse! Jeff came out of his office with a big grin on his face, first time I've seen him smiling at me.

'They were brilliant Claire! This is going to be so good for us, I think people will want more.' He walked away leaving me stunned, I preferred this side to my boss but we will see how long that lasts. I made myself another coffee and turned back to Jeff.

'Wait Jeff! Are they finished already?' I called out curiosity getting the better of me.

'No they have one more to play yet.' He nodded towards the studio and that's when I saw them come back in. My heart was pounding against my ribcage, his long slender fingers danced over the piano keys as they prepared to play their last song. The light threw shadows across his face accentuating his angular features and long eyelashes. It took me a moment to realise he was looking directly at me with a smirk on his face. I quickly look down at my cup of coffee, my face growing redder, get it together Claire you cant be getting worked up over another man!

'I can dim the lights and sing you songs full of sad things
We can do the tango just for two
I can serenade and gently play on your heart strings
Be your Valentino just for you,'
Looking back up I take in the whole band, they really do work well together. I've been around my fair share of bands and I can feel the energy and harmony from these boys that doesn't come along that often at all, Queen is going somewhere. I can feel it. As I took a sip from my scorching coffee I was not expecting the next lyrics of this song.

'Ooh let me feel your heartbeat (grow faster, faster)
Ooh ooh can you feel my love heat, ooh
Come on and sit on my hot-seat of love'
Freddie looked at me and winked, resulting in me choking on my coffee. I felt all the blood rush between my legs and got myself out of this situation asap. The words clearly didn't mean what I thought they meant surely, it was such a sweet song coming from such an innocent person  but my thoughts still couldn't help but wonder...

'What did you think?' As I turn around I am greeted by the mop of curls that is Brian May.

'You guys were brilliant! You work really well together.' I gave him a genuine smile, to let him know I truly was impressed

'Thanks- Its Claire right?' I nod at him as he claps me on the back and walks off

'And what about me darling? Wasn't I just perfect?' I roll my eyes forcing myself to be confident

'Well I wouldn't go that far..' He feigned a look of hurt 'But yes you were quite fabulous.' Just as Freddie goes to say something Roger comes up to us

'Miss Claire don't you just look devine today, say want to go back to the rest room and not rest?' He wiggles his eyebrows at me mischeviously. I lean towards him and put on a seductive voice.

'My my Roger as exciting as that does sound, I have an even more tempting offer awaiting me in my office. A huge pile of paperwork!' As Roger huffs and walks away, freddie bursts out laughing. He has such a contagious smile but before I can enjoy it any longer his hand flies straight up to cover it and my heart sinks. Why does he feel like he needs to cover his smile? It's wonderful.

'You would have to be one of the first girls I've ever met who hasn't jumped at the chance to get with the gorgeous blonde.' Freddie looked at me slightly amused.

'I guess he's just not my type.' And with a smirk over my shoulder I walk back to my office quite aware of his burning gaze. As soon as i get into my office I lock the door and slide down it. Omg! Where the hell did that confidence come from? I peeked out the blinds and he just stood there looking a little stunned. I smiled to myself, satisfied. Looking back at my desk I sighed at the oh so tempting pile of work layed out before me, yay this is going to be a long day.

Authors note

Idk what I'm writing at the moment, probably sounds like crap but oh well any excuse to write about Queen. Guess we will just have to see how this goes 😀

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