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I lay in bed wide awake, my mind replaying the days events. I looked over at Troy, his snoring vibrating through the otherwise silent room. The bright red clock stated that it was past 9, and that's when the phone began to ring. Troy stirred in his sleep but didn't wake up so I ran down the stairs to answer it
'Claire darlinggg, how are you this fine evening?' I winced at how loud his voice was.
'Freddie what are you doing? It's 9pm!'
'I know it's still so early! Is it alright if I come over? Cause I want to come over. I want to see your gorgeous face!' I let out a quiet giggle.
'No freddie you can't come over! I have a boyfriend for Christ's sake!'
There was silence on the other end for a moment
'Alright then you can come here, I'll see you soon dear, if not I'll have to come over and get you myself.' He quickly listed off his address, showing he wasn't actually kidding
'Fred-' Before I could finish my sentence he hung up leaving me standing there with my dressing gown and fuzzy hair in a panic as to what I should do. I knew he would stay true to his threat so I swore to myself and went to find some clothes to chuck on. I had to sneak around, careful not to wake Troy up. I pushed the guilt down, why should I feel guilty im only going to catch up with a friend. I didn't want to turn any of the lights on so I crossed my fingers hoping I didn't look like death himself and snuck out of the house hailing a cab.

Once the cab pulled up in front of his house I combed my hair though with my fingers and got out. It seemed very quiet but I knocked on the door anyway and a disheveled Freddie swung the door open wide and embraced me. I stood there awkwardly and give him a light tap on the back
'You came! How wonderful, come in make yourself at home.' I walked in and looked around
'Where are the others?'
'What others dear?' He cocked his head at me, his ebony eyes widening, God he's adorable.
'Aren't you having a party?'
He frowned and looked around him
'No, are you?' I folded my arms rolled my eyes
'Then why did you invite me over?'
I was not expecting his next move as he grabbed me around the waste and muzzled his face into my neck mumbling
'Because I wanted to see you.'
His mouth vibrating against my neck tickled me, I started to gently push him off me but I couldn't help but snicker, which was my first mistake. Noticing how I reacted he started blowing raspberries into my neck as I tried harder to push him away.
'Stop it! Your acting so childish!' I kept laughing and managed to work away from him and he walked over to the couch and fell onto it, motioning for me to sit next to him. I shuffled over and sat on the arm of the couch looking down at him, his eyelids were fluttering trying to stay open and he groaned quietly
'I'm sorry Claire.' I didn't know exactly what he was apologising for
'For what?'
But before I could get my answer he was out like a light, so I sighed
'Its okay Freddie.' I watched his face relax, his mouth opening slightly as his breathing got heavier. I thought that I should probably get back home but just seeing him their, looking so vulnerable and relaxed I couldn't help my hand as it ran across his face, gliding over his prominent cheek bones and smoothing out the light frown on his forehead. I leant foreward and gently pressed my lips to his hair breathing in his scent
'Goodnight Freddie.' I put the blanket that was hanging on the couch over him and tip toed out the door. I let out a heavy shuddering breath as the butterflies in my stomach settled, why did I have butterflies? Sure he's gorgeous but thats no reason to feel nervous.
I caught a taxi back to my place and was relieved to find the house as I left it - dark and quiet. I changed out of my clothes and slipped back under the covers. I was facing Troy, who was still snoring and cringed at his grouchy, unrelaxed looking face- quite the opposite of Freddie's. I rolled over to the other side so I was facing the wall. How ridiculous was it to sneak out for not even an hour to pretty much just tuck Freddie into bed, I couldn't help but smile.


I woke up feeling a bit guilty about how I've been towards Troy later. I looked over and noticed he was still sleeping, so I thought I would try make it up to him. I reached over and grazed my hand up his thigh, I didn't get a reaction so I started placing little kisses along his jaw as my hand rubbed over his groin. Wrapping my hand around it firmly I began pumping my hand and he woke up and looked me dead in the eyes
'What are you doing?' I put my lips against his
'Trying to please my boyfriend Ofcourse.' He looked over at the time and pushed me off
'Shit I've got to get ready.' Trying not to appear offended I stopped him from getting up
'I'm sick of this Troy, we never spend any time together anymore, we are pretty much just flatmates!' He sighed and kissed my head
'Babe you know I'm busy, I haven't got time to do anything else.' I quickly looked towards my hands, sitting in my lap, trying not to tear up
'So you don't have time for me?'
'Look, how's about I take you out on Friday? I'll take the night off and we can spend some time together okay?' I just nodded gave him a smile. He went into the shower and I let out a frustrated grown, Its been weeks since I've had a bit of action, what does a girl have to do? It wasn't exactly not seeing him all the time that got me upset, I mean we had a routine, we had our own lives but we've been together for 6 years and it's just sad that we are quiet obviously growing apart. He's become my rock of sorts, I enjoy having stability in my life. Also the fact that I hadn't turned him on just know, I must be losing my touch, my looks or whatever.
When Troy came out of the shower I faked being asleep so I didn't have to talk to him, I was feeling a bit down.
The phone rung downstairs, Troy answering it on his way out. I heard him coming back up the stairs and peek his head into the room
'Claire, wake up someone's calling you.' I groaned and got up as though I had been sleeping
'Who?' He eyed me suspiciously
'Uh some guy named Freddie, from work?'
'Oh yes right! Thanks for telling me.'
I went downstairs and picked up the phone, Troy waved goodbye and walked out the door
'Hey Freddie, how you feeling this morning?'
'Like shit actually, I'm sorry about last night, I wasn't meant to fall asleep.' I just laughed
'Oh it's alright, you needed it from what I could tell.'
The phone was silent for a little bit.
'Claire, I know your probably thinking im a bit of a prick after how i've   treated you. But could I see you again?'
'Freddie I don't know-'
'I just enjoy your company that's all, you're intriguing and I want to get to know you more.' I paused trying to decipher his intentions
'Just as friends?'
'Just as friends.' But I was afraid of how he made me feel, and I knew if he were to initiate anything, I probably wouldn't be able to help myself. Don't judge me I'm just feeling very deprived and unloved at the moment.
'Darling are you there?'
'Yes, sorry Freddie I have to go, I'll be in touch.' And with that I hung up and smiled, maybe this won't be so bad, what harm is there in spending time with a friend? I could do with a friend after all.

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