Part 12: Forgiveness & Finality

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The rest of the day passed by mostly uneventfully. The adults got together to plan the "Thank You Star" party, while the kids, minus Star, went separately to do their own thing and wind down. What did Star decide to do? Star went walking through the fields of the new Earth Mewni world. She managed to stumble across Mina's old helmet and a shard of Solaria's sword. She took both to the Butterfly Castle garden and proceeded to dig up two graves - both next to the one where Sebastian the Crow was buried - placing the helmet in one of them and the sword shard in the other.

The graves were filled again, and one giant tombstone was placed at the edge of both of them. The tombstone read:

Mina Loveberry & Queen Solaria Butterfly

Solarian soldiers
Mewman protectors
Proof that it's never too late to do the right thing.

Star solemnly removed her horns and held them at her chest in a moment of silence. A single tear rolled down her face before she put her horns back on and walked out of the garden, heading to her room to ready for bed.

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7:00 AM the following morning came. The party the adults planned for Star was thrown together quickly but efficiently, with everyone - including Marco, Jackie, Janna, Chloe, and Tom - pitching in to make it as special as possible. The party was set up in the Butterfly Castle, and they pulled out all the stops to ensure it properly celebrated Star for her tireless and thankless service to Mewni.

As for young Star? She was snuggled nicely in her bed at the castle. Now on her 9th hour of sleep, she was sprawled all over the bed, sawing logs and drooling on her bed sheets. The door to her room opened very gently. Marco, still in his pajamas, tip-toed in, holding a tiny wrapped present in his hands. He tip-toed to her bed and gently placed the wrapped box on her pillow. Despite knowing that it would take more than just a loud noise or two to wake Star up, he still exercised caution and respect while she was sleeping. Even as he sat down on her bed he was careful not to make too many movements.

He spent the next minute or two staring at the sleeping girl, even so much as reaching out to caress her hair. This, ironically, was enough to get her to squirm and slightly open her eyes, which embarrassed him a bit. "Marco..." The sleepy girl groggily said. Her vision took her to the little gift he left on her pillow. "Aww, Marco..."

"It's nothing much. Just think of it as a precursor for what's to come later."

Star sleepily sighed. "I really don't want to think about that right now."

"You don't have to. The party isn't until later."

She chuckled. "If that's the case, then I'm going back to sleep for a while. Do you wanna join me?"

"Join you?" Marco's face went bright red. "Um..."

"Please join me? It was kinda lonely sleeping by myself last night."

Marco smiled at the girl, stood up, took off his slippers, and carefully climbed into the other side of the bed, wrapping his arms around Star and resting his head on her soft hair. "Thanks, Star."

"Thank you." She said back. 

"Anything for you." He tightened his grip on her. "Hey...Star?"


"How would you feel if I...if I said I wanted to make this a regular thing from now on?"

"What, you mean us sleeping together like this?"


She turned herself around to face the boy, smiling widely. "I'd say...I wish we had done this a lot sooner."

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