Part 2: The Unknown

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Later that day, Star and Marco decided to catch up with their other friends - Jackie (and her new girlfriend Chloe), Janna, Alfonzo, Ferguson, even Tom decided to rejoin them - at the place formerly known as Britta's tacos. The surrounding area was still somewhat chaotic though significantly quieter than the day prior. "You know, if you had told me that within a year of knowing you guys that I'd be living in a world where monster creatures and people are inhabiting the same living space...I'd probably believe you." Janna said, taking a bit into her taco.

"How is that going, by the way?" Star questioned. "I kinda took a day to not think about any of that stuff and I feel like I'm way behind."

"It's actually going surprisingly well. Buff Frog took on a sort-of leadership role in helping the Mewmans & monsters get themselves acquainted with the Earth humans."

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Somewhere in a far away park, Buff Frog, his children, Moon, River, and a host of other Mewmans & humans were gathered on a picnic blanket sat near a big tree and socializing, with Buff Frog telling jokes.

"Then I say to cashier, "That's no toy. That's my daughter!" And his jokes were apparently a hit with the humans, getting vicious laughs out of them every time.

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"I gotta be honest, I was kind of expecting a lot more chaos and mayhem." Janna said. "But then again I guess we've had more than enough of that for a whi..." She suddenly turned to Tom. "Wait did you say Buff Frog? As in muscles?"

"...Yes, why?"

"I called him Butt Frog. As in the thing you sit on. To his face. He didn't correct me!" She yelled. Tom could only shrug. The others laughed.

"So Marco, Star, what are you guys gonna do now that we're in this...mish-mash of a world?" Jackie asked the two lovebirds.

"To be honest, I don't know. This is the first time I'm done with royal duties, so...I'm not sure." Star admitted before reaching into her pocket and pulling out a piece of paper. "Maybe my list will help me get my head straight."


"Oh yeah, after Toffee was defeated and Marco went back to Earth and I stayed on Mewni, I started myself a list of things I totally wanted to do if I ever got to go back. Now that I'm here, I guess it's as good a time as any to break this baby out."

"Well, spill it, girl. What's on it?" Janna asked eagerly.

"Let's see...Number One: stilted dance number while wearing ridiculous outfits."

" mean Square Dancing?" Jackie asked.

"Is that what you guys call that? That stuff doesn't look like any dancing I know."

"Then you obviously haven't seen the Can-Can." Chloe chimed in. "It's a French dance."

"Riiight. Okay, Number Two:" Star continued. "Jump out of a plane and fall to the ground and don't get hurt."

"...So, Skydiving." Marco said.

"You guys have weird names for these activities."

"Okay I've actually been skydiving and it's super fun." Janna interrupted. "Once you get past the nerves it's such an adrenaline rush. All you gotta do when you get to the ledge is squat, pray, you leap, then you scream "ahhhhhhhh" and then finally you land on the ground touchdown. Easy peasy lemon squeezy."

Jackie gave what Janna said a solid minute of thought before speaking. "Janna...that spells SPLAT."

Janna gave that note a quick thought before going wide-eyed. "oh shoot, you're right. No wonder I've been getting cocked heads and raised eyebrows at every seminar."

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