Part 1: Closures and Openings

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Star and Marco kept their gleeful gazes on each other. The chaos of the newly created world surrounding them didn't once faze either of them.



"Star, wh-what happened to your little hearts?" Marco pointed out the immediate elephant in the room.

"They...They went away when all the magic disappeared." Star said, somewhat sullenly. She felt her cheeks where her hearts used to be. "It feels so weird..." She moved her hands to her beating heart. "But I still have this one. And it's all yours."

Marco smiled wider, fighting back tears. Finally, he surrendered to the overwhelming love and rushed right into Star's arms, embracing her harder than he's ever hugged her. Star was quick to return it. "I was petrified...I thought-"

"We'd never see each other again?" Star sniffed back tears. "So was I. But, Marco..." She looked at him and smiled. "You were willing to leave everything behind. Your parents, your new sister, your...your Earth friends. All...for me."

" were you." They both chuckled. "I was prepared to die down there with you."

"Me too. Marco, I love you. I'd rather die with you than live without you." More smiles.

"Hey, look on the bright side. Now you don't have to worry about that. Cause we're together, here in..." Marco's voice slowly trailed off as he took a good look around at his new surroundings, taking in all of the commotion and chaos taking place. "Um...what are we calling this place now?"

Star joined him in observing their surroundings, leaving her equally dumbfounded. "I...I have no idea. I'm not even sure I know what happened."

"I mean, i-it looks like Mewni and Echo Creek kinda...kinda-"

"Cleaved?" Star interrupted. "What was it Glossaryck said? 'You can cleave something apart, or you can cleave something together.'"

"Okay, so that's what happened, but how did it happen?"

"Ya got me. Last thing I remember is us being stuck in the Realm of Magic just as it was going to the pits. We were hugging and then I think my cheek marks started glowing..."

"Wait, so did mine. I felt that."

"Yeah and then there was that portal that led to Earth and Mewni, but...I don't know, it doesn't really make any sense. Maybe Glossaryck would k-" She stopped suddenly, her eyes going wide, then sullen. "Oh wait...right..."

"...I'm sorry, Star."

She sighed. "Thanks. At least he thinks I made the right decision. But...did I?"

They separated from their hug. "What do you mean?"

"Marco, think about it. All of those magical beings that died - Hekapoo, Omnitraxus, Rhombulus, GLOSSARYCK! They're all dead, Marco. They're not coming back! Not to mention all of the sentient spells from my wand that perished. Heck, even the dang pony that POWERED THE WAND!" Her eyes slowly went wider and wider. "So many magical beings...dead..."

"Star!" Marco gently shook his new girlfriend to get her out of her self-destructive rant. "Listen to me, was there any other solution that would've stopped Mina and preserved everyone's lives as quickly as destroying the magic?"

Star had to give it a hard thought for a moment. She then sighed in defeat. "No. Not that I can think of."

"Then you made the right choice. You had to protect everyone, and Mina was not going to give you any time to think of a different plan. I'm sure if they were still around they'd understand."

Star vs The Forces of Evil: When Dimensions CleaveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora