Part 11: Spirits Broken

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Smoke permeated from the ground where the bodies of Hekapoo, Rhombulous, and Omnitraxus once lay. Star slowly began to regain consciousness, and in doing so, her eyesight brought her over to the smoking area. "Star...what did you do?" Marco asked. Star struggled to find the words.

"I..." She was speechless, both because of her continuing declining health and because she was legitimately awestruck at what just happened. "They're gone..."

"How could you!?" Mina screamed. "Don't you get it? That's exactly what they wanted!" Her words permeated her own consciousness before she dropped to her knees and clutched her head in sharp, stabbing pain.

"Mina!" Solaria shouted. "Are you okay?"

Mina screamed some more as her body began to spasm, permeating a light blue, crackling aura. "My queen! wrong! I can't...control myself!"

Solaria's face indicated she had a sudden revelation. And a startling one at that. "Oh dear butterfly...we must all get to safety now!"

"Why? What's happening?" Marco asked, running over to help Star stand up.

"She's losing control!" The three of them got themselves together and managed to get away from Mina, but not even that would help save them. Mina had snapped.

In her anger-filled tantrum, Mina's body started to life off the ground, floating without any awareness on her part. Her perfected augmented form was morphing; morphing into something that not even she ever thought it could become. Her muscles began expanding insurmountably, with bulging veins popping up on all corners of her arms. Her pupils and irises began to fade again. Her voice echo became far more pronounced and obvious while she was screaming.

At the end of it all, Mina let out one final fierce, eat-splitting scream that sent literally shock waves throughout the land. With her transformation completed, she landed on the ground - hard, for dramatic effect - to show off her new form, which was essentially her regular augmented form, only far buffer, stronger, angrier, and less stable. There were visible tears strolling down Mina's face, but that did nothing to take away from her imposing stature. She imposed genuine fear into the three of them. She screamed like a lunatic, and as a result of this, the waste that was surrounding them as well as the rest of the waste that was infesting the land of Earth Mewni not only began to move every which way like it was a typhoon, but its growth escalated.

Mina leaped into the air and dove right towards Star, Marco & Solaria. Solaria managed to use her power to both block Mina's incoming assault and get Star & Marco to a safe enough place up on the roof of the castle. While they were temporarily out of Mina's sight, Glossaryck reappeared beside them with a giant - and by giant I mean almost three times the size of Glossaryck - vile of potion filled to the brim with gold, bubbly liquid. "The All Emcompassing Healing Spell is complete!" He announced. His optimism, though, was quickly subsided upon gazing at the rampaging Mina on the ground and the tsunami of toxic waste now surrounding the area and flying around like madness. "Oh dear, appears I've missed a bit, haven't I?"

"The Magic High Commission are gone." Marco explained.

"Gone? I see Mina got her moment of redemption."

"Actually...she didn't." Star explained. "She didn't kill them. She wasn't going to." Glossaryck raised an eyebrow. "She beat them down to a pulp and was just going to let them fester in the mess they made. But then...then Omnitraxus called her a coward and I just...I just completely snapped. Again. Gosh I really need a therapist, don't I?"

"And now Mina's kinda gonzo." Marco added.

"Can't say I blame her. In Mina's eyes this was her one chance at redemption, and leaving them just alive enough to suffer without ending their misery was a perfect bookend for her. You killing them off, in her eyes, effectively robbed her of that opportunity."

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