Blake gets ready to leave. He takes a few agents with him, which ends up including Talia's father due to his medical expertise, and takes one of the cars. Not even twenty-five minutes later, Mia comes through the door.

As soon as I see her I hug her. Even though I saw her not that long ago, it feels like forever. After she hugs me and acknowledges all the others in the room, she decides to set up a video call with other operatives at the base. To introduce herself and such. I don't really know.

They assure me that the server she's calling from is completely secure, and honestly, I kind of feel stupid for even asking. Of course, they wouldn't risk our location.

"Hello everyone. My name is Amelia Dale. I'm an agent, and I've been assigned as the commander of this mission in the place of Agent Blake Carson. He's currently been reassigned to another mission, one of equal importance, and one that is very closely related to what we are going to be doing now." She pauses to let her words sink in. "Right now, the other agents and I are creating plans and coordinating attacks to hopefully come up with something that can end this once and for all. I ask that you please wait patiently, but readily. An attack can commence at any time. And if you have any ideas, please feel free to bring them up to command. Thank you all."

Then, once again, the four of us girls, Nava, Talia, Chloe, and I, as well as Zach are left in uncomfortable silence. I guess Talia could go help, and I have a feeling she'd rather do that than sit around with us, but she's being a supportive friend and sticking around here. I speak for myself and probably the other two girls, but it's comforting having someone who will actually be able to help in the case of an emergency.

"No matter what, I'm going to help out, no matter what anyone says or does. This is my problem, and I need to do something." I suddenly announce. All of the girls look up from their phones. Zach is still kind of lost in his own world. And I can't blame him. I've been getting used to this change for twelve years. He's had barely a day. We haven't yet spoken of his reveal, and now is certainly not the time for distractions.

I don't know what came over me, but I suddenly got the feeling that I needed to do something.

"You know I'll support you Cara, but your safety is still an issue. Are you sure you don't want to leave it to the, um, pros?" Talia asks me, saying that last part quietly.

"Obviously, I don't think I'll go alone. But, it needs to be me. I need to be the one to get justice for my parents. I've relied on everyone except for myself for too long." I tell her. She nods to me. "I'm going to tell Mia."

As if by magic, it is exactly at that moment that she came in.

"Okay, Uh-huh, Buh Bye! See you Blakey." She hangs up the phone. Turning to us, she says "So that was Blake, obviously. They've almost made it back. But we have a plan that will end this once and for all."

"I'm going to stop you right there. I want to help. I want to do something."

"Cara-" Mia starts, but I interrupt her. "I know what you're going to say. I know that it's dangerous, but-"

"Cara. I know you want to help. So does Blake. Chill out girlie." I sigh in relief as Mia chuckles.

"So anyway, here's the plan. I'll start with Blake's half. Basically, they're assembling a team of agents, most are from the surrounding states, and they are going to take back the building. The whole get in, knock a few people out, do some tech work and save a few people. Basically it' super simple. When you know what you're doing at least.

For us, It'll be a tad bit more difficult. The Stevensons are going to a fashion show. Obviously fun for us. We can't use any of the typical techniques we'd use when dealing with, um, people like them. However, it's also a good thing that this is a public confrontation. They can't, well likely won't shoot at us as soon as they see us." Mia begins telling us.

"How are we getting in there with a group of people?" I ask her.

"I have connections from previous jobs, you're you. And we'll bring Tal as a bodyguard. It's time to bring back Carolina York into the public spotlight."

When she says that, I don't know whether to be relieved or terrified. Like, I'm grateful that they're letting me help out, but I didn't think I'd have to go out in public. That was never part of my personal plan.

"Get ready Cara. We leave in 45 minutes, and yes, I know that is usually not nearly enough time to get ready for a show like this one, but we've got things to do. So hurry up. Tal, get over here, we have a costume for you too."

"Oh God. You're making me look stupid aren't you?" Talia asks, hesitantly getting up.

"Of course not. We're going to a fashion show. Class is key here, even for bodyguards."

Mia just smiled and pulled Talia out of the room.

"Mia!" Nava yells out.

"Hm?" Mia turns and looks at Nava.

"It's just. You're really happy. I can feel it." Nava says.

"All is good Nava. We're going to have a word with your family once I get Tal here situated." At this Nava sighs. "But no, Zavy just told Blake how he really felt and all of my dreams have now been realized. That's all."

"Well, at least one good thing came out of all of this mess," I mutter under my breath and head to one of the rooms to change into the outfit they seemed to have provided for me.
First Published December 22nd, 2019

Hey guys!
I'm sooo sorry for the weird updates, but I'm trying to get back into my schedule...
As a Christmas present you guys might even get another chapter this week!
Anyway, in case that doesn't happen, I want to wish everyone happy holidays!! Happy, Merry, Joyous, etc... whatever y'all might celebrate!

Thank you so much for reading my story, I really appreciate it! If you think this chapter deserves it, please leave a vote and comments 😊.

Happy reading,

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