Chapter 2

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"Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!"

That's one way to wake up. With the stupid alarm clock blazing in my ear. And I can't even trick myself into sleeping a little bit longer because I know there will be no way that I'll be ready on time. Even now, I have to hustle to not be late for school.

Keep a low profile, Alana. That's what I tell myself. Stay under the radar.

Suddenly I remember that I have a 'dentist appointment' today. At least that's what Maggie told the school. This was actually the time that was set aside for me to meet my new security.

I debated just staying in bed and hiding away from Maggie and Albert just so that I didn't have to meet this old guy. And having him follow me around is just going to be horrible. How the hell is he going to come to school with me?

Suddenly, I remember that Maggie has absolutely no qualms about dumping cold water on my face. She's done it multiple times before, and I know she'd just love to do it all over again.

I begrudgingly climb out of bed. I brush my teeth and my hair. I change into a sweatshirt, jeans, grab my watch and a scrunchie, in case I need it during the day, and then I walk out of the room.

Once I get to the kitchen, I see Albert checking his tablet on information about criminals that are being investigated by the CIA or the FBI. He's kind of a sucker for those types of missions. Meanwhile, Maggie is making us breakfast. Once she's finished with the simple yet delicious scrambled eggs and toast, we eat together in silence until we hear the doorbell ring. I know it's my new security. Oh boy.

"You excited sweetheart?" Maggie asks me, giving me a compassionate look.

"No." I say, looking away. Apparently this is one habit I haven't dropped since I was a child. I'm working on dealing with my feelings.

"Well, get excited and cheer up. It won't be so bad." She says smirking, then she turns on her heel and goes to open the door.

She exchanges a few quick words with the person standing outside. Then I hear some shuffling and I can hear two sets of feet walking towards the dining room.

I expect to see a guy who's about Albert's age, maybe even older. Boy am I off.

I'm now standing face to face with the most gorgeous boy I've ever seen.

His hair is light brown, certainly lighter than Zachs, but his eyes... They are so much darker than my old friend's. Sure, they are both blue-eyed boys, but the shades are so different.

Ugh, Alana May Criston, stop thinking like that.

"Alana, this is Blake Carson. He'll be your new bodyguard." Maggie tells me.

To say I was surprised would be an understatement. I was speechless. This boy, who couldn't be much older then me, if he was older then me at all, was supposed to be my new bodyguard? What in the world?

"He's the same age as you, 18 years old. He'll be going to school with you, he'll be going undercover as your cousin." Maggie finishes explaining, answering my questions.

"Hi, Alana." The boy, the bodyguard, Blake, says. "I've been made fully aware of your situation. I'll try to stay out of your life as much as possible, however, I will step in if I must. I'll just hang around you."

"Clearly you've been disconnected from society for a while," I think to myself. I mean look at him, with his gorgeous looks, and muscles. Every. Single. Girl. Is going to start pining for him. I can't tell whether or not this is better than an old guy for security. He'll probably attract every girl to him, and b extension to me.

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