Chapter 8

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Holding the book in my hand I walked out of the shop. I hadn't even remembered the summary of it that I had forced myself to read. I was so deep in thought that I wasn't paying attention to the other people walking around me. I clashed into someone and apologized immediately, my eyes trained on my shoes. I looked slightly in their direction and saw that they were wearing a pair of heels that I vaguely recognized.

I heard a light laugh that I recognized even more and looked up at the person I had run into. It was Rebekah. She smiled down at me, and I swear her perfect teeth glinted in the sunlight.

"Walk with me," she said kindly, gesturing down the sidewalk. She turned and began walking down the sidewalk. I tried to keep pace as I walked along beside her.

"How are you liking it here?" she asked as we walked past yet another book store.

"I'm really liking it," I said and smiled at her. Again, I decided against mentioning my visions to her. Telling myself that I'd tell her when I started to figure things out.

"Are any of your memories coming back to you?" she asked casually.

I froze, my heart pounding. My visions, weren't a big secret I needed to keep. So then why was something in the back of my mind screaming for me to keep them a secret? Maybe she could help me figure out what they meant though.

"A couple memories, nothing specific though." I finally said.

Her eyes widened the tiniest bit and a flash of surprise crossed her face, as if she hadn't actually expected me to answer yes. She quickly schooled her features though, disguising the hint of surprise.

"Like what?" she asked curiously.

I shrugged, "Nothing specific, just kinda flashes of places." I answered. It wasn't exactly a lie, just, strategic avoidance of certain parts.

She raised an eyebrow a fraction, appearing slightly suspicious of my answer. She smiled and the suspicious expression disappeared.

"Well, they'll get clearer in time, don't hesitate to come ask me any questions about them if you want to." Rebekah said and smiled kindly.

"I should get going, but don't worry. Just tell Claire if you need to talk to me." She said.

I nodded and she walked away, blending effortlessly into the crowd of people on the sidewalk around me. Something about her seemed off. She had acted a bit strangely about my visions. I had the urge to follow her to see where she was going. I stopped myself, telling myself I was just jumping to conclusions.

No matter how much I tried to argue with myself, I couldn't shake the gut feeling that something was wrong. I forced myself to turn around and walk back the way I had come, the opposite way Rebekah had gone. Back towards my apartment.

As I was walking back a large set of double doors caught my attention. It was the building Rebekah had pulled me away from the day she had been showing me around the city. She had acted strangely then too. My curiosity won and I grasped the handle of the door and slowly pulled it open.

Slipping through the small opening, I stepped into the church. It was absolutely empty. The wooden pews held no people and there was no sound but my own memory of the singing. My sneakers squeaked slightly on the marble floors as I slowly walked up the aisle.

The large marble alter was surrounded by arrangements of snowy white lily's. My eyes were drawn to a large silver picture frame on the alter. The man in the picture seemed perfect. He wore a comforting smile and his hair and beard were just starting to grey. His robe was pure white and the picture even captured his aura of calm and comfort.

Suddenly things started to make sense. White lilies, a picture on the alter, pews full of silent, mournful people. This had been a funeral. But wasn't this the Overworld, how had someone died in the Overworld? Had someone murdered him? Nobody in the Overorld would do that, so who had?

My mind was so filled with questions that it took me a moment to pair the sudden cracking sound with my knees hitting the marble floor. The sudden jolt of pain that shot through me shook me out of my shocked thoughts for a moment. I stared at the photo of the man on the alter, trying to sort everything out in my mind.

Without warning, my vision faded into pitch black as a vision decided that then would be a great time to make an appearance. My world exploded violently into brilliant white light and I could feel my body thrown backwards. I came to rest on a solid surface finally and I could vaguely feel something warm and wet pooling underneath me.

I don't know how much time passed but the bright white started to fade and I could feel my head tilted to the side, my cheek resting against the cold ground. I could do nothing but stare as a pair of heels I recognized stepped into view.

The vision cut off, disappearing as quickly as it had come. The off feeling in my gut had grown into a terrible suspicion. I sat on the floor of that church and tried to make sense of everything. But how could I make sense of things that no matter what I said, just didn't fit together?



Another chapter!! 

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