Chapter 7

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A wind blew across the rooftop, causing my hair to swirl around my face. I was back on the rooftop from before. The boy from before was still standing next to me, his arm around my shoulders. I looked out over the city, a small smile on my face. The view was beautiful but I was distracted by the voice that finally broke the silence.

"Isn't it amazing?" he asked and I tried to make myself look over at him. I nodded without saying anything, still trying to turn towards him. I couldn't though and remained staring out at the city and it's bright lights.

I heard the boy start to say something else but I was dragged out of the dream as my eyes opened to the real world. I groaned and sat up. Something from that dream had to have meant something. Maybe I was getting my memories back. I should probably write this down somewhere, I had decided as I got out of bed.

There had to be a journal around here somewhere. I started to open drawers and search through them for a journal or piece of paper. Finally, I opened the bottom drawer of my nightstand and found a small leather-bound journal with a pen beside it. I pulled it out and opened it, uncapping the pen.

Sitting back down on my bed, I scribbled down every detail that I could remember from the dream. Capping the pen, I closed the journal and set them both on my nightstand. I stood up and changed into new clothes. I felt a small lump in the pocket of the jeans that I had been wearing and pulled it out.

It was the little glowing ball of magic. I smiled at it and set it gently on a shelf. Leaving my bedroom, I walked into the kitchen and asked Claire for a cup of coffee and a bagel, which she delivered. I grabbed the bagel and bit into it, it was still warm and I smiled.

I walked out the door and into the hallway. Pressing the button, I stood and waited for the elevator. The door slid open almost immediately and I stepped in and pressed the button for the lobby. I spotted Celeste down the hallway and slid my hand between the doors of the elevator to keep them from closing.

She stepped into the elevator and smiled at me as she pressed the button for the lobby. She then leaned against the wall and looked at me.

"So, where are you headed? Wanna hang out with us again today?" She asked, brushing a stray piece of her blue hair out of her face.

With a shake of my head I responded, "No, sorry, I was planning on just kind of wandering the streets and checking out the shops and stuff for today."

She nodded, "Sounds like a good plan. Well, the gang and I are  headed to who only knows where. We'll figure it out eventually, we always do," she said and chuckled.

The elevator slowed to a stop and the doors slid open. She held her arm out, gesturing for me to leave first and I smiled at her. I stepped out of the elevator and she followed. The doors slid shut behind us.

"Well, we're always here if you wanna hang out!" She said cheerfully before walking away to join Aqua, Matt and Josh across the room.

Sipping my coffee, I walked out of the lobby doors and onto the sidewalks. I glanced around indecisively. After a minute, I finally decided to go right.

Strolling down the streets, I explored the city. As I looked around at the shops, something Rebekah had said popped up in my mind. They didn't actually have a currency here, there was no need. It was an odd concept to me, but in a way it made sense. Why have currency if there was no point? It was just simpler this way.

Pushing open the door of a shop that advertised books, I stepped in. The smell of old paper hit me as I let the door fall shut behind me and I smiled.

Taking my time, I wandered through the aisles. As I wandered I found myself letting my fingers drift gently across the spines of the books. I didn't even mean to do it. It was just out of habit.

Without warning my vision faded into black and I was launched into another vision.

This time I was in a library, but it was a bit different from the bookstore I had been in before. The musty smell of mold and dust filled the air, replacing the more pleasant smell of pages. The lighting was dimmer and the bookshelves were much bigger.

I was still letting my fingers drift across the spines of books but when I pulled them away they were covered in dust. Nothing like the books in the bookshop.

I heard someone say something somewhere to my left. Turning in that direction I tried to see who it was. The vision started to fade and I struggled to keep it. Straining to see the face in the dim lighting.

Dragged out of the vision I blinked myself back to reality. This was getting annoying. What was the point of these visions, or memories if I couldn't see the faces of the people in them?

I tried to turn my attention back to the books on the shelf. But no matter what I did, I couldn't shake the curiosity I had about whoever was in my visions. Why couldn't I see them? Who were they?

Grabbing a book off the shelf I took it and turned it over to read the back. Maybe a good book would distract me from all my questions.

But boy was I wrong.


Another chapter! Woo!

What do you guys think about her visions?

Thanks so much for reading and have an awesome day!


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