Chapter 5

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We stepped out of the building and back onto the sidewalk. I was a bit bruised from falling a few too many times. The little ball of magic was warm in my pocket. As I walked along the sidewalk I smiled as I continued to listen to their conversation.

Celeste glanced back at me, "So, what'd you think?" she asked, her grin widening.

I laughed, "It was...awesome!" I replied. Somehow I couldn't stop smiling. I was still a little bit in awe of what I had just seen.

Aqua giggled, "Can we go to The Rooftop next?" she asked. Her excitement was obvious and she bounced as she walked, full of energy.

Celeste glanced at Matt and Josh for their opinions. Matt nodded and Josh shrugged in response. Celeste looked back at Aqua and smiled, "Sure, why not?"

Aqua made a happy sound and skipped away along the sidewalk. I looked after her and laughed to myself. She was amazingly upbeat, and it was infectious. Celeste chuckled and followed her extremely happy friend. I walked next to Celeste, along with Matt and Josh hung near the back of the group.


As we climbed the stairs I heard Aqua call something down to us. She had already made it to the top obviously. With her boundless energy it wasn't much of a surprise. I saw her head poke over the railing, her currently purple hair framing her face.

"C'mon guys! It's only another flight or two!" she called down to us, smiling encouragingly.

We finally made it to the top to find Aqua clapping her hands and pushing a door open. The cool wind startled me as it breezed into the stairwell. We all stepped out the door and my mouth dropped open as I took in the view.

As if the roller rink hadn't been enough, this view left me awestruck. I could see the city sprawling across the land as far as my vision would let me. Bright lights twinkled as the chilly breeze drifted across the rooftop.

"Isn't it just beautiful!" Aqua sighed contentedly, staring out at the view of the massive city.

I couldn't find any words to answer her, so I just settled for nodding. Suddenly I was struck with a strange feeling of deja vu. My vision faded into black at the edges as I sunk into another vision.

I found myself standing on a rooftop, but this one was distinctly different from the one I had been standing on just moments before. It was still a massive city but it was night time. There were distant stars twinkling down from the night sky.

A weight draped over my shoulders alerted me to the presence of someone else. I finally noticed the presence of another person there. It was a boy, maybe 6 inches taller than me and wearing a black jacket. He had his arm around my shoulders and we were both looking out at the city below us.

The boy opened his mouth to speak but a high pitched female voice came out.

"Alice, Aliceeee, hellooo?" It said. Dragged out of my vision I shook my head, trying to clear it.

When my vision returned I found Aqua's face extremely close to mine. She smiled at me, a little confused. "Awesome! You're back, you zoned out for a minute there," she said, in her usual, chipper voice.

"You okay?" Matt asked, raising a brown eyebrow at me.

I shook my head, " I'm fine, just amazed by the view."

It was true, at least mostly. I was having visions, and as normal as Rebekah assured me that would be, something about it seemed off to me. They didn't seem real, it was like I was watching someone else's life, and in a way I guess I was. I shrugged off the strange feeling and smiled at them. 

"Hey, you wanna see something cool?" Celeste asked. The mischievous grin should've told me she was going to do something insane, but I was in no way prepared for what she did next.

She stepped next to the roofs edge. Maintaining eye contact with me the entire time, she took a step backwards, and stepped off the roof. She plummeted out of sight and I stood there, shocked.

I heard a laugh and suddenly she shot up back into sight and did a loop in the air. Large bright white and blue things were coming from my back. After a moment I realized they were large white wings and my eyes widened.

"Holy Shit! You have wings! That's freaking amazing!!" I yelled, still shocked.

She did another loop in midair and then landed gracefully on the rooftop. She folded her white wings and with a slight shimmer they disappeared. She laughed at my amazed expression and grinned.

"Are you an angel or something?" I asked, and then looked around at the group. "Are you all angels? Cause that would be seriously cool," I said.

"Well, not technically angels exactly, but basically. Everyone can get wings at a certain point, its super fun!" Aqua explained, grinning at me.

"Really? Oh my god that's amazing!" I said and laughed.

Celeste laughed too, "You'll probably get your wings soon enough," she said, "anyways, I'm getting hungry. You guys wanna head back to the apartments and get food?" She asked, looking around at the group.

They all agreed and we headed back to the stairwell. My mind was spinning with everything that had happened that day. It had been amazing. If this was just the first day, well, then my afterlife was going to be the damn best.



Another chapter you guys! 

So, what do you guys think about the vision? Who do you think the boy is? 

Thanks for reading and have an amazing day y'all!!


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