Chapter 4

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The girl with blue hair was still waving at me. I made it over to their little group and the blue haired girl introduced herself and her friends.

"I'm Celeste , this is Matt, Aqua, and Josh," She said, gesturing at each person in the group as she said their name. She spoke casually and then gestured at an empty chair. I sat down cautiously and looked around the group.

"I'm Alice," I introduced myself.

"So, we heard you're new to the Overworld," said the girl that Celeste had introduced as Aqua. It took me a moment to take in her bright outfit and rush of words. She was definitely high energy. She seemed to have taken advantage of the brightly colored clothing that came with the apartments. Her hair was what really caught my attention though. It cycled through the whole rainbow in a matter of minutes.

She must have seen me staring and grinned. "Isn't it amazing?" she asked and I nodded slowly.

"So, how's your first day in the Overworld going so far?" Matt asked and I shrugged.

"I kinda like it here actually," I replied, smiling.

"Awesome," Aqua said and grinned even wider. Her hair slowly shifted to bright bubble gum pink as she spoke.

"Well since you're new, why don't we give you a tour of the city. All the fun parts at least," Celeste said, a mischievous grin forming on her face.

"Let'd go!!" Aqua said and jumped up from her seat. When she stood upI realized she stood almost a foot taller than me, which took me a bit by surprise. She bounced up and down on the balls of her feet as she waited for the rest of us to stand up.

Matt chuckled at Aqua's actions and unfolded himself from the couch and stood next to her. Celeste and Josh followed, and I wasn't long after.

"Ooh, can we go to the roller rink first?! It'd be an awesome first place to visit!" Aqua gushed, clasping her hands together as she stared at Celeste.

Celeste chuckled and nodded, "Yeah, sounds awesome," she looked over at me and the boys and raised an eyebrow. "What do you guys say?" she asked us.

Josh shrugged and Matt smiled, "Sounds good to me," he replied.

I nodded as well, "That sounds fun," I added on.

"Let's go then!" Aqua shouted and skipped over to the door of the lobby. The rest of us followed her. The group started talking again and I followed along, content to listen.


We walked into a building that had a glowing neon sign on the side that read RollerRink in bright green letters. They walked over to the counter and an attendant handed them pairs of rollerblades. They seemed to be regulars here. I slowly walked up to the counter after they had all sat down to put their roller blades on.

I told the attendant my shoe size and she handed me a pair of bright blue roller blades. Walking over to Celeste I sat down next to her and started to put my rollerblades on.

"Isn't roller blading a little, uh, Earthly?" I asked.

Her mischievous grin returned and she stood up, balancing almost perfectly. "You'll see," she said cryptically then held her hand out to help me up.

I took her hand and got to my feet, trying to maintain my balance as I stood.

"Follow what I do," she said and then let go of my hand and glided through a doorway covered in strips of neon paper. Doing my best to mimick what she had done, I managed to make my way through the neon doorway. I was greeted by a sight that made my breath catch.

The room was filled with floating orbs of colored light. They looked almost like stars floating around the room. It was like standing in the middle of a galaxy, indescribably amazing. I stood still a moment too long and lost my balance, falling onto the floor.

A laugh to my left caught my attention and I looked over, "Beautiful isn't it?" Aqua said with a giggle. She drifted towards me and pulled me to my feet. "That's just the beginning. You're going to love it here," she said and pulled me along with her as she drifted through the sea of stars.


Somehow I finally managed to drift a little bit on my own. I couldn't figure out how to steer for anything, but I was getting there. I made my way over to one of the floating stars and slowly reached my hand out to touch it. My fingertips had just almost brushed the surface when a voice to my right startled me out of my thoughts.

"They're not stars," Matt said, "They're more amazing than stars. They're little bits of pure magical energy. They're all over the Overworld, it's pretty awesome."

"Can I touch them?" I asked, glancing back at the floating orb.

He laughed and nodded, "Yeah, of course, you can take it home if you like even."

The little orb was warm in my palm when I gently tugged it from it's place hovering in the air. It was glowing from the inside with a warm, white light. A warm feeling washed over me, it was calming and felt distinctly like pure happiness. A smile formed on my face before I even realized it.

Matt grinned, "They're amazing," he said and then slowly glided away from me on his rollerblades.

I held the little orb in my hand a moment longer, entranced by it. After a few moments I slipped the ball of pure magic into my pocket and returned to precariously gliding my way through the stars on my rollerblades.


Another chapter you guys!

So, what do you guys think about the newest editions to the story?

Thanks for reading and have a great day!


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