Chapter 2

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Rebekah stood up from her desk after a moment. I got the idea that I should probably stand up as well and forced myself to my feet. She glanced at the door and then looked back at me, her expression less pitying, even though I could still detect hints of it.

"Would you like a tour?" She asked. I nodded hesitantly, hoping I could at least manage to pay attention to the tour. 

She opened another door that I hadn't even noticed. Holding it open she gestured for me to walk through. I took a step forward, and then another. Before I knew it I had walked through the doorway and she was closing the door behind us.

We had stepped out onto a sidewalk that ran along the side of a brick paved street. A few people walked along the sidewalk, chatting cheerfully. I looked over at Rebekah and she started walking along the street. I followed quickly, trying to keep up with her long and graceful strides. My original shock wore off and I started to feel more comfortable. 

"So, to begin with, the Overworld is quite similar to an earthly city. There are houses and living spaces provided for everyone. Sleep isn't quite required here but many people enjoy it." She said as we walked. I marveled at the size of the city, listening to Rebekah speak.

Buildings towered above the streets but strangely enough it wasn't intimidating. An exceptionally tall building ahead of us caught my attention and I stared at it. It was taller then all of the other buildings and built entirely of glass.

Rebekah's laugh brought my attention back to her and I looked over at her. She seemed to find my amazement amusing. Maybe it was, but at the moment I was too curious about the tall building to mind.

"What's that building?" I asked, gesturing towards the large glass building.

"That's the cities Central building. It's where council meetings are held." She said smiling. Her love of the city was infectious and I had to smile too.

We walked along the sidewalks, wandering through the massive city as Rebekah explained the general idea of how the city worked. Shops were everywhere, selling a variety of things. From chocolates to cats, the shops had everything. Money didn't really seem to be a thing either.

"How do you guys buy things?" I asked, watching a young girl walk out of a shop holding a very friendly snowy owl.

"We don't," Rebekah said, "We don't need to have money so we don't. Everyone here is a trustworthy person, and most people don't have jobs. This is a place to relax for eternity, why worry about money?" She asked, waving at the girl with the owl. The girl waved back with a large grin and went on her way, her owl perched comfortably on her shoulder.

"I guess that makes sense," I agreed. This was the rest of my life, or the rest of my death if I thought about it. Why would they need money, the place was filled with literal angels. I smiled, the afterlife so far seemed amazing.

We passed a large building with double doors that weren't shut all the way. Beautiful but haunting music came from the crack between the doors. Curiosity pulled me forward and I peered through the crack. The building was beautiful, but that wasn't what intrigued me. Hundreds of people stood around something at the front. Each had their head bowed, singing softly along with the music. 

Rebekah gently placed a hand on my shoulder and I looked back at her, a question in my eyes. She shook her head and her hand dropped from my shoulder as she turned and continued her walk along the sidewalk.

I had to jog to catch up with her. "What was that?" I asked curiously.

"A service," She answered, her voice oddly serious. She didn't elaborate and I got the idea that I probably shouldn't push her. She didn't seem like someone I wanted to upset.

"So, where to next?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Your home." She said, her smile returning. "I do hope you like your apartment."

I smiled brightly, "Sounds awesome to me." I said and followed her as she weaved through the city. She was surprisingly fast for a woman in heels, I noted. 

We finally arrived at an apartment building. She walked up to it and held the door open for me. I walked through the doorway and looked around the common area like room in wonder. Couches were placed around the room, some placed next to coffee tables that were covered in board games.

Rebekah let me look around the room for a couple minutes before walking over to an elevator and pressing the button. The doors slid open a moment after and she walked in. I followed her just before the doors slid shut. She pressed a button labeled with an 8 as I bounced on the balls of my feet in a mixture of excitement and nerves.

I felt the elevator rising and after a minute the doors slid open. Rebekah walked out and I followed her down the hallway. We stopped at a door with a silver plaque that read "Alice Green"

Rebekah gestured at the door handle and I reached out, grasping the cool metal. I twisted the handle and swung the door open. I stepped into the room and looked around in amazement. The apartment was huge. A comfortable looking couch sat facing a large screen. Doorways around the room led to other rooms.

Rebekah spoke and I turned towards her, she was still standing in the hallway. "If you need anything, just ask Claire. She's kind of like an AI, she'll help you with anything you need. I'll see you around Alice." She said and smiled at me. She gently closed the door to the apartment and I slowly turned to look around again.

I set out to explore the apartment before going to sleep, even if Rebekah said I didn't technically need  to sleep anymore.



Chapter Twooo is out already! Yay!!

I wish I could promise that all the chapters will come out this often, but I have school and stuff so chapters will probably be uploaded over weekends. 

And oh my gosh! 1007 words! I know that may not seem like much compared to other peoples writing. But for me I consider that an achievement, yay! 

Thanks so much for reading this!

-Heather :)

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