Chapter 9

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When they arrived at Tsuyu's place, it was already 3 pm. Katsuki went to get ready just like Tsuyu and Tokoyami did. In the mall Katsuki brought many new stuffs. Its not like he had twelfe unpacked coffins full of clothes and jewelry. He also have many money so why not spend it.

He picked up a black suit made of most expensive material with crimson red tie and leather shoes. Katsuki likes to buy new expensive things because it's the only thing it makes him happy. In America, he doesn't really have friends. To be more correct he is not even allowed to have friends whose are not approved by his control freak husband.

Katsuki took a deep breath before he left the house with Tsuyu and Tokoyami. They all went with Tokoyami's car. Katsuki felt uncomfortable and little scared all the way to Kirishima's house.

They arrived on time and everyone was happy to see Katsuki back in the town. His old squad ran to him and hugged him tightly. To be honest Katsuki didn't expect that. He thought they would hate him for leaving them. But on his surprise they didn't.

"Bakuhoe! Why didn't you call?" Denki

"Well.., I never really had a chance..." katsuki

"Damn. So how's in America?"

"Nice. I guess." katsuki

"Something is off.... Hmm...." denki

"Yep! He is little to peacfull!" Mina

"That's right! Where did passivly aggressive pomeranian boy went?" Denki

Katsuki just laughed at them and told them he kind a grew up. Kind a. He still got pissed very often but he learned how to control his behaviour for his own good.

"Look! Kirishima is waving at us!" Jiro said pointing with her finger at Kirishima.

Kirishima approached to them and hugged his wife. He then slowly kissed her chins. Everyone cheered for them.

Later, Katsuki got little bored, so he sat down in the one corner of room tring to avoid eye-contact with anyone because he didn't feel like talking. He just wanted a little peaceful time so he can organise his thoughts. He is tryng to remember who is dating who, for how long and who is gonna have children, etc. He got to much informations in so little time.

"Hey, pretty face boy." Katsuki sighed. His peace didn't last long. But he recognised the voice. It was Shoto's. His ex to be more correct. His rich, handsome, emotionless classmate he used to date first year of highschool.

"Hm?"Katsuki didn't even spare him a proper respond. He just looked deeply in his eyes and acted like he is not intrested at all.

"I'm glad you are back."

"You are?"

"Yep. So how's Rui?"

"Bad. I hope so."

"Uf. You seem to really not like him. He saved your life after all."

"Yes. For the price of my soul and freedom. I would rather be dead."

"I see." Shoto sighed what kind a annoyed Katsuki. Its true they used to date in highschool, but their relationship only lasted for four months. Although everyone thought their relationship would last forever.

Their classmates would say that they are like fairy tale characters. The perfect rich boy and poor boy who almost didn't have anything to eat. The aggressive blondie beast and calm beauty. The beautiful Prince and the slave. That's why everyone was shocked when they broke up.

One knows the real reason why they broke up but no one was happy for that. Katsuki and Shoto didn't seemed to be bothered with their break up. They acted like nothing happend.

"Shoto. When did you came?" The familiar figure came to two young boys and started conversation again.

"like thirty minutes ago. I am sorry I did T say hello to you, Izuku. I was busy talking with my old friend."

Katduki just gave Shoto a stare and turned his head to meet Izuku's eyes. They glared at each other making Shoto kind a feel uncomfortable.

"Katsuki. How are you?"

"Why do you care, Asshole?!"


"What the fuck 'Huh' means?!?!"

Izuku didn't answer on Katsuki's question. He just simply ignored him. What made Katsuki lose his shit. He stood up and avoiding Izuku, approached to Kirishima and other members of his squad. He really didn't want to get in fight with a alpha. Expecially, now with so many witnesses.

"Khm. Khm. Ladies and gentlemens, Kirishima and Mina are now going to slice the cake on the half while we are going to throw at them smoke bombs. The color of the cake is going to say which gender the child is, and smoke bombs are going to represent other child's gender. That's right. You heard me. They are having twins!" Katsuki feels happy for Kirishima and Mina, but kind a annoyed they let Kaminari take care of the introduction.

The bell ringed and everyone did what they were told to. Izuku stand next to Katsuki what made Katsuki furious but he ignored him. He didn't want to ruin such a magical moment for his friends. Colored smoke filled the room and everyone started celebrating. Izuku simply taped on Katsuki shoulder and showed him with his finger, stairs. Katsuki immediately knew that Izuku wants to privatly talk to him but he rejected the offer.

But Izuku insisted. He grabbed Katsuki for his waist and pulled him to the stairs. Everyone was cheering and celebrating so no one even noticed they were gone. Izuku stopped moving when Katsuki and he arrived on second floor where no one was.

"Let go, You Idiot!!!"

"Stop yelling. I can hear you just fine thank you."

"I don't care! What do you want to talk about, asshole?"

"Don't you have something to tell me?"

"The fuck!?! I don't have anything to tell you. What should I tell you?!?"

"Well, for example, Hi. How are you? Good to see you. Sorry for leaving you. How have you been? How's your life? Sorry for letting you die all alone with a broken heart while I am chilling in a jacuzzi, drinking expensive wine and watching how my slaves do all the work."


It came out that Kirishima and Mina are having....

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