Chapter 3

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Katsuki entered in the bakery slowly because he didn't k ow what to say to his parents when he sees them. When he entered everyone in it gasped. Something so beautiful and shiny in a street like this?! What a surprise.

"Morning, Mr. Quir."

"Morning, young man how can I help you?" Everyone was little shocked to see that rich person greeted poor one. Even Mr. Quir was little surprised. Rich people in the town never said Hello to him. They only bought what they needed.

"Don't you recognise me, Mr. Quir?" Katsuki asked little sad that his richness doesn't make him recognisable.

"Not really. I sold many products in the town to many people. Tell me, young man, did you come from the town, to this dusty old street just so you could get it cheaper?" Katsuki laughed at that what made everyone shocked again.

After few seconds he finnaly spoke:" I guess seven years is long time, isn't it? Katsuki. My name is Katsuki. Remember? The one who would always cause troubles?"

The men laughed recognising Katsuki immediately. He even hugged him in front of customers.

In this street where lives like 150 people, what seems like a lot, is actually pretty small amount. Everyone knows everyone here. Even some customers recognised the son of Mr. Bakugou.

Mr. Bakugou is biology and chemistry teacher in this street's school. There was like 10 teachers in the school. Everyone one of them teached two subjects at least. Others who doesn't work at market or school etc, we're working in town for poor payment.

"Well! Well! Where did you dissappear? And look at you, boy! You look like a Prince?" Mr. Dani asked.

"Well, I got married." Katsuki said sadly.

"Oh yes! Mitsuki told me! For that guy Ryu, right!? Oh, lucky you!" old granny Mary said. She lives in a tent close to school. She would often come to school to give children fruits and vegetables from the forest in which she goes every morning.

"Wow! You look stunning! You moved in Great Britain! What a lucky boy!" second old granny Jessica said. Jessica and Mary hated each other. They were talk of the town because of their argues and everything.

"Damn, Man! I would totally date you if you are not taken!" Edo, 32 years old guy that would often pick fight with everyone.

"Well, young boy, why did you come back here?" Mr. Quir made Katsuki speechless. Katsuki wasn't sure why is he here but thats the only place he knows. Maybe it's not safe and healthy but... Its better than place he lives now.

"I came to see my parents. They were home so I assumed they are here."

Everybody stayed silent what made Katsuki uncomfortable. Few seconds later Mr. Quir spoke:"Katsuki, listen, your parents....., well they died last year of sickness that got them."

Silence. Again.

Katsuki couldn't believe what he hears. His parents? Dead? If only his stupid husband let him go home one year earlier. He would be able to see his parents one more time. If only he never left.....

Katsuki left the bakery leaving to Mr. Quir 100 golden coins and giving everyone in bakery 70 golden coins. He tried to walk as fast as he can so people wouldn't notice his tears. His half hour walking turned into 20 minutes. He ran away from that street entering the town.

He find a hotel and decided to stay in it. His first day in home wasn't how he was planning it would be. It was more like a nightmare than happy meeting. Finding out that his parents are dead, broke Katsuki.

He blamed his husband for everything. He destroyed his life. He crushed his hopes. He blamed him for his parents dead. He blamed him for....

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