Chapter 2

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Katsuki didn't knock on the door because he once lived there. And the other reason would be that they didn't really have doors. Only sheet that is hang up on the wall with sticky tape.

He took a deep breath and entered in. House didn't change much either. In house were only few sheets on the floor, one dusty chair, old oven, old can filled with water, boxes of food, old rusty TV and small boxes of clothes. Pretty fancy, ha?

He muted his coffers on one red sheet that was once his bed. He sighed. Many old memories came in his head. Some good. Some bad. Some he doesn't want to remember.

Seven years ago, Katsuki manged to ran away from this place. He was 17 back then. Some old thirty-five years old guy named Ryuu Takahashi noticed his beauty when Katsuki went to buy a flower for his mother. Because it was her birthday.

He offered Katsuki to marry him what Katsuki said no at first. But then the guy followed him home to Golden Way street and proposed him in front of his parents.

Guy promised to make Katsuki happy bride and his one and only. Katsuki tried to push him away but he was young small omega against grown up nice builded alpha. Let's just say he didn't succeed.

Ryuu was once the main police officer in the town. So he is rich as hell. He was like a hero of the town. He offered Katsuki's parents a nice house and everything if they let him marry their son. Katsuki would be taken care of and live in healthy family.

But Katsuki didn't agreed on that either. He had someone else he was in love with back then and he didn't wanna ran away with some pervert he just met. But guy stayed alone with his parents. Saying that Katsuki could have everything he wanted if he marry him, money, food, water, bed, everything.

His parents thought that giving Katsuki to that man was the best thing they could do. Because of the moisture and mildew Katsuki got really sick. He got lung cancer. And the best thing they could do for their son, because they couldn't afford treatment is to give him to someone who can.

That's how Katsuki went to live in Great Britain in London for seven years with his husband. His parents didn't know he would take him away from them. But when the deal was done, Katsuki officaly became his property. And the guy he liked back then, he couldn't even say goodbye to him.

Katsuki is now 24 years old. He returned home because he wanted to see his parents again. His friends. Everyone. He was begging Ryuu to let him go home for seven years but Ryuu never let him. This time he finnaly said yes. What make Katsuki smile in front of him.

And he never smiles to him. Not after everything he is doing to him. Katsuki hated him. He hated how he is using him. He hates how he thinks he can buy everything with money and gold. He hates how he thinks Katsuki is gold digger. But what Katsuki hates the most in him is the same greed of the town lives in a man he married. Greed that can't be feeded.


His parents weren't home. Katsuki thought they went to market or bakery. So headed himself there. Five miles walking to get there. But he didn't mind. He liked that. It made him feel like home again.

Don't gat him wrong. He hates this place so deeply but he likes people in this street. His friends. Silly things he used to do here. And plus is, that his husband isn't here. He hates him more than this place. And he have a good reason for it.

People in the street knelt in their knees because they thought they saw a goddess. You can't blame them for that. Katsuki is gorgeous and plus is that he is wearing clean expensive clothes and something what people here in the street don't have, shoes.

Katsuki first time putted shoes on his feets seven years ago when he got married. He walked five miles on the rain or snow barefoot. Just like everyone else.

Half hour later he finnaly arrived on his destination. On the right side was his old school with five rooms/classrooms that had only boards and walls. Students were sitting on the floor. You could buy notebook in the market for 5 coins. But notebook had 500 pages. One for whole year.

You had that and the pencil. No books. Eraser, nothing. Notebook and pencil. Teachers had one board in each classroom and chalk. School there lasted eight years and then you go to highschool in town. In class there was like ten or five students each generation. And because there were only five classrooms 1-4 you have school at noon and 5-8 have school at morning.

Next to fabulous school was a bakery. Public places are completely at the end of the street. So there is no houses behind them.

Bakery is dusty but cheap. Everything costs 1-3 coins only. The chef of the bakery is now 45 years old guy who lives in that bakery. He had amazing talent at baking and he often baked his g famous muffins for rich people in the town. Every afternoon he would go to town to sell them. People are crazy for his muffins.

The man's name is Mr. Quir. He is like the hero of the street. Because is selling his products outside the street for 30-50 coins and he is making a money money like that. He is not poor that much is avarege to be honest. But a very nice man. Except that is the street he sells his products for 1-3 dollars he also give school one free meal two times a day. Once for morning shift and once for noon shift.

On the other side of the street across the bakery is market. Market is the almost the same size as school. Just little smaller and everything connected in one room. In the market there is three sections.

One is ruled by Mr. Yuko 34 years old beta. He sells clothes that his wife Miss Yuko is making. Closet looks like sheets and pretty pathetic but Miss Yuko is doing the best she can and everybody likes the clothes she is making. Clothes is cheap here but used for towels and sheets in the town. They are selling it pretty well in the town but not as good as Mr. Quir.

Section number two belongs to twin sisters Zera and Clara. Their mother died of lung cancer. Their father is alive and he is making this stuffs from things he finds in the forest. Section is reserved for house things and stuffs. Like few broken toys or dirty pushes, dishes made of stone and leafs. Some sheets that he made of flowers or grass. Things like that.

The last section is reserved for food. Mr. Jack and his wife Evolet have five children and this job is giving him a chance to at least feed them once a day. In this street eating three times a day was like a bless. People here would eat once a day, or if they are lucky, twice a day.

Next to the market is ambulance that works 12 hours a day. 10 am - 10 pm. There works doctor Teo and two nurses Rea and Udina. Ambulance was full of moisture and mildew just like the whole street.

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