Chapter 5

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Familiar voice came in Katsuki's head. Voice of a friend he once had. He immediately recognised the voice of his highschool once best friend.


"Ha! Ha! Ha! Isn't it Shitty Hair?!"

Red haired guy hugged Katsuki tightly around his waist.

"Man, your waist are still so freaking small!"


Kirishima laughed at blonde boy with big bright smile. He is happy to see his best friend back in the town. Its like a reniuon or something like a miracle. He missed his friend with crimson red just like he misses meat every Sunday when he needs to eat fish.

"Dude. Why did you come back?"

Bakugou took a moment to proceed the question and to find a right answer to it. After few seconds of silence, what seemed like a eternity to Kirishima, Katsuki finnaly spoke:"Well, I wanted to see you again. Not only you, everyone."

He immediately regret saying that because he knows it sounds chessy and he hates being chessy.

"Well! In that case! Let's have REUNION!!!!" Kirishima happily yelled the last word. Katsuki thought that's good idea. That way he can see his whole class. Again.

"Well, see ya...."

"Katsuki, WAIT! Let's go eat together!"

"You want to go eat with me?"

"Of course, silly!"

Kirishima happily walked next to his old best friend. That's right. Kirishima and Bakugou were close as two fingers. Even though Kirishima didn't live in Golden way. He lived in the nicer part of town. But Katsuki liked Kirishima's personality.

Kirishima is nice person born in avarage family. He wanted to become a investigator but Katsuki didn't think that that's perfect job for him. Kirishima' s wild and funky personality made Katsuki think that Kirishima could be a really good actor.

When two young boys arrived to the Café called Serina, Katsuki felt little happy to see that his favourite Cafe is still the same.

"Where do you wanna sit?"

"There. It looks like is isolated from everyone."

Young Alpha followed omega's request. To be honest, Kirishima was always little scared of the Ash blonde omega in front of him.

When the sat down, waitress came to them to take thier orders.

"Hello, how can I help you?" Brown haired waitress with deep brown eyes dressed in black and white cafe uniform, looked familiar to Katsuki.

"Uraraka, looks who is back!" Katsuki immediately recognised the girl but Uraraka took a moment to relize that the beauty in front of her, was once her highschool classmate.

"Bakugou Katsuki! Class's biggest asshole is back in the town."

"Ochaco Uraraka, once 'Wannabe the most popular girl' is the waitress."

"Oh, be quiet! I was the most popular in the school!"

"Right after Momo."

"Shut up you spoiled brat!"

"OK, guys! Let's calm down a little, shall we?" Kirishima tried to calm down young omega and young beta. Katsuki and Uraraka didn't really like each other in highschool. They always argued about something but no one was 100% sure why they hate each other. They just do...

"Is there problem?"

"No. Thank you very much." Katsuki answered without even raising a look. He is so frustrated because of Uraraka that he didn't really care for the person asking the question.

"Katsuki?" But that got his attention. Katsuki raised his head and saw the person he sat with whole first grade.


"Oh, So it is you! Why are you here anyway?! I heard you got married?! Where is your husband?!"

"He is coming...Soon. "

"That's great! Can't wait to meet him!"

Tsuyu is straight forward and honest person. Katsuki always liked that. He also because of her brutal honesty liked sitting next to her whole first grade. Tsuyu is alpha, but Katsuki felt comfortable around her because he knew Tsuyu doesn't want to be anything more than friends with him.

"Well... Can we order?"

"Be quiet Kirishima!"

"But I am hungry!!!"

"Then starve to death!" Tsuyu smiled knowing that Katsuki didn't change a lot since she saw him last time.

"So, Kirishima you gonna take grilled chicken and pommes?"

"As usual."

"Good. What about you Katsuki?"

"I will take same as him."

"Good choice. Food will be here soon. Please enjoy."

Tsuyu happily took their orders and taking Uraraka by hand dragged her away from them. The two girls went in the kitchen, leaving two boys alone again.

"So, tell me more about your husband! Your life..." Kirishima started conversation with one of his big bright smiles he would give to Katsuki.

Katsuki likes his smile. And his sharp white teeth. To Katsuki, Kirishima is ideal Alpha for mating. He is completely by Katsuki's standards. When Katsuki first saw him he thought that God made Kirishima just for him. But things happened and this two completely opposite sides of coin, never paired.

"Can we not talk about him?"

"Why not?"

"Ah..." Katsuki didn't know how to finish the sentence. He know if he don't say anything, Kirishima would start questioning more and more. But he didn't want to lie to him either.

"I need a little break of him. He is little annoying."

Kirishima laughed on Katsuki's answer knowing that everyone annoys Bakugou. So that was a believable answer.

"You know you just dissappeared that day and you didnt even properly said Goodbye."

Katsuki raised a look to meet his eyes with Alpha's ones, finding the sad aurora around him.

"I'm sorry..."

"What did you say?"

"I said fuck you, you moron!" Katsuki yelled at young Alpha who seemed to laugh very loud.

"Why are you laughing?!?!"

"I like the fact that after everything, you are still you. And it makes me happy..."

Silence came after that because Katsuki didn't know how to answer. He looked at read haired Alpha and sighed. But Kirishima didn't want Katsuki to be quiet so he started conversation again: You know Sero and Kaminari got married?"

"That dunce face Alpha and stupid tape? Well, I ain't surprised. In highschool was painful watching them."

"Yeah... I guess you are right...."

"And how about you Kirishima?"

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