Seelie Unicorns

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Prompt from bllover587

No one's point of view

"Alright guys make sure to stay alert at all times, Dont ever let your guard down."
Alec, Magnus, Jace, Clary, Izzy, and Simon were all standing at th entrance of the Seelie Realm. They had gotten a fire message yesterday from the queen staring that she wishes to see them in her realm. At first they had been skeptical about going. But eventually they all agreed that they should go and not refuse her orders. Of course they don't want to face the wrath of the Seelie Queen.
Alec has made sure that they all had weapons just in case something went wrong. Except Simon who had no weapon except the mark on his forehead. 
"Alec you can stop lecturing us. We know to be careful," Izzy reassured her brother from his constant worried state.
Alec just silently nodded and grabbed Magnus' hand walking towards the entrance. The rest of the group following behind.
They enter the realm to see Meliorn waiting for them. An unreadable look on his face.
"Welcome Shadowhunters. The queens waiting." Meliorn started to walk away from them.
" Come. " He stops and speaks out loud not wanting to repeat himself.
They hesitantly walked behind him, all of them on guard and ready for anything.
They came into view of the Seelie Queen who was sitting on her throne, watching her people frolic around.
She tilts her head up to see them, immensity smiling.
"Shadowhunters, to be honest I didn't think you were going to come." She stood up and walked towards them.
" Why did you call us down here? " Clary spoke first, not hesitating in her actions.
"For answers," once the queen finished her words the seelies started to huddle around them. Six of the seelies came out with unicorns following them. They all had color on their skin, there was black, silver, yellow, purple, blue, and one that was tiny but was a bright white color.
"They are my friends,"
No one but Clary heard Jace whisper, "friends? Her?"
" They have been called upon to test you, they all symbolize different characteristics in one's personality. I now wish to see what they think of you all. "
She points each of them and explains what each one means, "black is for bravery, silver is for humility, yellow is for honesty, purple is for generosity, blue is for loyalty."
She crouched down to let the baby white unicorn, "and white is for purity."
she stood back and walked back over to them. Smiling her sly smile to their faces.
"I wish to see which one is most like all of you." She concluded.
"So you called us down here to play with unicorns?" Simon raised his eyebrows and joked.
Her eyes had a deadly look in them while turning to look at Simon, "Do not mock them daylighter."
Simon immediately shut up backing up to the back of the group.
The seelie queen calls them all up one by one, expect for Magnus and Simon and Alec.
Clary, Jace, and Izzy all got the same unicorn. The black one that stood for Bravery.
"And lastly Alexander Lightwood."
Magnus and Simon weren't able to participate seeing as they were not part of the queens test.
Alec stepped forward towards the queen. She started the test and surly enough the black one came up to him... But each unicorn came toward him. Alec petted them all on the neck, smiling. And lastly the baby white unicorn came up to him. Her bent down to let the baby.
The queen, meanwhile, was confused. Normally all shadowhunters got the black unicorn. No other shadowhunter has ever gotten more than just the black unicorn.
"Well you surly are something, Alexander Lightwood. Nobody has ever gotten more than just one unicorn before. And nobody has ever gotten the baby white pure unicorn before."
Alec stood back up not moving from where he was.
"A shadowhunter, pure?"
" That probably because he's still a virgin, " Simon smirked.
Alec blushes and put his head down and Magnus and the others quietly laughed.
"You may all leave now," she turned and walked away over to her throne. The unicorns were all taken away by the seelies but not before nudging Alec nicely.
Meliorn came up to them and directed them out of the Realm.
Once they were all out Simon started to laugh.
"What are you laughing at vampire," Alec glared at Simon.
" That last one was hilarious, " they all smiles even Alec did.
After everyone finished laughing and saying good by Magnus ported himself and Alec back to his loft.
Alec starts to kiss Magnus hard before backing away and whispering in Magnus' ear, "you know that you can de-purify me at any time right."
Magnus smirked and staged to their room slaming the door shut.

Sorry about not updating in a while. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2020 ⏰

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