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I do not own these characters

Ps: Simon and Raphael aren't in this story

Alec pov

"Mangus!" I walked into the loft. But there was no response.
"Magnus! You here?" I walked further into the loft, to see Magnus out on the balcony.
I sighed in relief that he was here.
I walked over to the doors at opened them. Magnus didn't know I was out there yet. I looked at him... And he was... Crying.
"Magnus?" I see him tense up. I walk over to sit by him. There's tears rolling down his eyes. And he was curled into himself.
"Hey. What's wrong? " I question worried.
He moved closer to me, cuddling into my side. I wrap my arm around him.
"I-i um..." Magnus stutters out.
"Babe, what is it?" Now I was very worried. My wonderful cheerful warlock. Is a crying mess.
"My f-father came to visit me today..." Magnus was holding me in a death grip.
" What did he do? " I suddenly felt very protective over Magnus.
"He threaten to kill you if... If I didn't join him in Edom... And I don't want to leave... But I don't want you to die." Magnus finished.
I lightly grabbed Magnus' chin and turned him so he was looking at me.
"Hey. I'm not dying any time. And you aren't leaving. Don't let him get to you Magnus... I won't let him do anything, as long as I'm alive and beyond that, I promise." By the end of my speech, Magnus was crying, more than he was earlier.
He grabbed both of my hands.
"I love you so much Alexander."
I smiled and kissed Magnus lightly.
"I love you more Magnus." I whispered to him. He smiled.
He layed next to me, closing his eyes.
"Sleep Maggie." I grabbed a blanket that was on the couch next to us, and covered him and me with it.
"Will you be here when I wake up?" He mumbled sounded unsure.
" i always will be. " I kissed him in the head, and he fell asleep.
One i was sure he was asleep, I followed. Happy to have him in my life.

Yay! Any suggestions?

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