Sick Day

510 11 0

I do not own these characters

Simon is 6
Raphael is 10

no one's pov

"Alright boys eat your breakfast," Alec placed two plates of pancakes in front of his sons.
"Thank you daddy," Simon took the syrup and put almost the whole bottle into his food.
Alec laughs, "Hey don't use all of it, you need to save some for your brother."
Simon handed the almost empty syrup container to Raphael.
"Thank you dad," Raphael smiles and pours the rest of the syrup.
Alec ruffles Raphael's hair, " your welcome Raphael."
"Weres papa?" Simon tried to say through a mouth full of pancakes.
Alec smiles, "I'll go get him."
Alec walked away leaving his sons to their breakfast. Alec walked through the door to his and Magnus' room. Their room was dark, only a little light leaked through the curtains. Their bed in the middle, a lump laying in the middle of their bed.
Alec walked over to the side of the bed and sat on it. He shook Magnus shoulder.
"Hey Magnus wake up," Alec whispered.
Magnus whimpered and moved himself so he was laying in Alec's lap.
"Hey, you ok Mags?" Alec ran his hand through Magnus' hair.
Magnus just shook his head no. Alec bent down to kiss his head.
"What's wrong?" Alec moves Magnus' head so that he could see his face.
" My head hurts and I feel like I'm gonna throw up, " Magnus whimpered again moving his hand to his stomach.
"You need me to get you anything?" As soon as Alec finished his question Magnus sat up abruptly. And ran towards the bathroom.
Alec ran after Magnus, hearing noises coming from the bathroom.
Alec walked into the bathroom to see Magnus throwing up into the toilet. Alec walked over and sat down besides him, rubbing his back.
After a few minutes Magnus sat down leaning his back into Alec's chest.
"Can you stand Mags?" Magnus nodded his head and Alec slowly stands taking Magnus' weight in his hands.
Magnus rinses his mouth out with water in the sink. Magnus turns around and wraps his arms around Alec's neck and buries his head into Alec's neck.
"You wanna lay down?" Alec whispered holding onto Magnus.
" Yeah, " Magnus starts walking and Alec walks behind him. "Not in here though."
" Ok, come on, I'm sure the boys will want to see you. " Alec leads Magnus into the living room. Sitting him down on the couch. Alec covers Magnus with a large pink sparkly blanket.
"Is daddy ok?" Simon walks into the living room with Raphael behind him.
Alec walks over to them, and bends down to match Simon's height.
" Yah, daddy's ok. He's just not feeling good. " Alec ruffles Simon's hair again.
"Oh, ok." Simon walks over to Magnus and climbs on him. And somehow makes his way under the blanket so that he's cuddling with Magnus.
Raphael walks over to Alec.
"Hey how about we clean up, buddy?" Alec walks with Raphael to the kitchen and they wash the dishes.
A little while later Alec was helping Raphael read the Shadowhunter codex , while Simon and Magnus slept cuddled into each other.

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