Raphael meets Simon

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I do not own these characters

Raphael is 4 in this story and Simon is 6 months old.

Alec pov

He was so beautiful. Magnus was holding him in his arms. Our new son, Simon. Jace and I were out hunting a Shax demon (A/N is that how you spell it?) When we found a baby abandoned in a box in front of the DuMort. He was wrapped in a blue blanket and was sleeping soundly. There was only a note left that said 'take care of Simon' The institute didn't want to take him, cause they didn't want a baby warlock in the institute. So Izzy suggested that Magnus and I take him in.
Me and Magnus just arrived home from the institute, Maryse was watching Raphael.
We walked in and Raphael came running over to me.
"Daddy!" I picked him up in my arms and kissed him on the head.
"Hey there buddy, did you have fun with Grandma?"
" Yah, me and Gama colored pickers! " he was squirming and I put him down. "Can I see it?"
" Yah! Yah! " Raphael ran into his room.
Maryse walked over to us.
"So who's this little guy?" She motioned to Simon. Magnus was still holding him and rocking him gently trying to keep him asleep.
" Alec and Jace found him abandoned in a box outside of the DuMort. " Magnus explained.
"The institute didn't want him, he's a Warlock, he had no where else to go... So we decided that he could join our family." I was explaining to her, when Raphael came running out of his room with a picture in his hand.
"Look! Look!" Raphael handed me the picture and I bent down to his level.
" what is it supposed to be? " I questioned, trying to figure out what it was.
"Its Daddy, Papa, Izzy, Clarwy (clary), Jacey, Gama, and Gampa!" He pointed to each one as he the individual names.
"Its really nice, buddy," I ruffled his hair and he giggled.
" Daddy? " Raphael out his finger in his mouth while saying this.
"Yah, Raphael?" I picked him up.
" Whats that? " he pointed toward Simon.
"This is your new brother, Simon, he's going to live with us." I walked him over to were Magnus as holding him.
" Simoon! " Raphael giggles, Magnus, Maryse, and I laugh at how cute he is.
"You wanna hold him," Magnus kisses Raphael on the head.
" Yah! Yah! Pwease? " Raphael begs with his pleasing eyes.
"Ok burnt my have to be careful with him," I told in seriously, but not to seriously as to scare him.
After saying pure goodbyes to Maryse we walked over to the couch.
Rachael sat down quickly bouncing up and down in excitement. Me and Magnus sit on different sides of him.
"Now Raphael you have to be careful," Magnus carefully handed Raphael Simon. I put my hands under his so he wouldn't drop Simon.
" he's to tiny, like a duck. " me and Magnus started laughing.
After a few minutes of silence Raphael started to talk, "hi Simoon. I'm your brother Raphael. We is gonna be best fwends. I pwomise to protect you my little ducky. Forever Simoon."
Me and Magnus look at each other, we both had tears in our eyes, from his cute Raphael's speech was.
From then on, we knew that we had the best family in the world. With our new little addition, Simon. The tiny little ducky.

Any suggestions?

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