It Was Simon's Idea

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i do not own these characters

Prompt by: bllover58

No one's pov

"You do know that Alec is literally going to kill you right," Izzy Lightwood crossed her arms and stared at Simon.
Izzy, Clary, and Jace were in the middle of the institute waiting for a mission or something to happen, when Simon came running up to them.
"Oh come on I spent all night creating this video, it's funny and has a lot of weird shit in it." Simon showed them a dvd in his hand that he created ( the video at the top).
"What has a lot of weird shit in it?" Alec walked up to them, Magnus at his side.
" Simon has something to show you, " Jace smirked at his Parabati.
"Show me what?" Alec raised his eyebrows at Simon.
" well go ahead and show him, can't wait to see him kill you. " Izzy smiled excited to see what's going to happen.
Simon's eyes widen and he looks at Alec.
"Yah, i-i ah made something for you," Simon stutters looking at the tall man.
"You made something...for me?" Alec's face scrunched up in confusion.
"Umm yah," Simon walks over to the tv thingy in the corner of the room and puts his fun little DVD in it.
" Alright time to watch the show, " Izzy smirked.

*after the video finishes*

Everyone was laughing by the end of re video and Alec was glaring at Simon.
"You might wanna run, Simon." Clary whispers into Simon's ear.
Alec steps forward coming closer to where Simon was standing.
"Yah I think I'll do that," Simon runs away from them out the institute doors, not wanting to be murdered by Alec.
"Off all the men in the world... I don't see what you see in him." Alec looks at his sister and walks towards the doors of the institute.
"You might need to find another boyfriend i think he might kill yours." Jace laughed.
Izzy rolled her eyes and started to track Alec so she could make sure that he doesn't die.
" Well he had it coming. "
Let's just say... Alec had a lot of fun 'murdering' Simon.

Any suggestions?

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