Movie Theater

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I do not own these characters

No one's pov

"Come on Alec! Please?!" Magnus jumped up and down like an edited child in front of Alec.
"Alec, please please please please?!" Magnus begged like a child asking for candy. " Its just one movie, please Alexander? "
Alec looked at Magnus trying not to give in to his adorable face, but failed.
"Fine," Alec rolled his eyes.
" Yay! " Magnus jumped up and down and hugged Alec tightly.
"Ok hun let's just get it over with," Magnus smiled widely and grabbed Alec's hand. Magnus dragged Alec toward a portal he made.
When Alec is pulled thru he's faced with a large room with a large ass screen and a bunch of comfortable looking chairs.
"Come on! Come on!" Magnus dragged Alec to one of the seats he sat him down and plopped down on his lap.
Magnus cuddled into Alec's chest while the movie started.
All threw the movie they laughed, cried, and cuddled. They didn't care about everyone else in the room. They just ignored them.
After the movie finished Magnus was on the verge of sleep with his head buried in Alec's neck.
"Come on Mags let's go home," Alec stood up with Magnus by his side.
They walked the whole way home which wasn't very long. They talked about the movie the whole time.
When they got home Magnus cuddled back into Alec's chest. Alec ran his hand threw Magnus' hair.
"We should go see movies more often," Magnus whispered.
" Yah we should it's worth the two hours of i get to cuddle with you the whole time. " Alec smiled.
"I love you Alexander," Magnus grabs the taller man's hand intertwining their hands.
" I love you to, my little cuddle bug. " Alec rubs Magnus' back until they both end up asleep.
The both of them planning on making the movie night a normal thing.

Any story suggestions?

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