Chapter 8 - Cloak of Fear

Start from the beginning

"Here you go, one crepe with strawberries." Vincent handed him a wrapped crepe.

"Thanks, two sickles was it?" Cedric took out two sickles and placed it on the counter. "Take care man."

"You too." Vincent waved him off as Cedric made his way back to the castle.


On Halloween morning, Vincent woke up early for a run when he noticed Harry sitting at the edge of his bed.

"You ok Harry?" he asked.

"Oh, Vince," Harry greeted glumly. "Yeah, I'm fine, never been better."

"Clearly, you have something bothering you," Vincent said as he scarred his head. Harry remained silent. "How about you come for a run with me, you know, to keep your mind on other things."

Harry looked thoughtful before nodding, "That sounds like a good idea."

It wasn't...

Half an hour later, Harry finally finished his second lap around Hogwarts, exhausted, sweaty and cold. Originally, he was confident in his own ability to run, but then he met Vincent, sprinting, not jogging around Hogwarts for what was the seventh, eighth? Harry lost count.

Not mention how cold the weather was that morning!

"Tired?" Vincent called out as he passed by. "We can stop early if you want."

"...Yeah...right!" Harry gritted his teeth and managed to force in another lap and a half before collapsing.


Harry caught and drank greedily from the bottle that Vincent passed over, not giving any time to taste it. He paused in amazement as he felt all the sore spots and pain in his body fade, being replaced by a cooling sensation.

"So this is that comfort water." Harry thought.

"So, what's up?"

Harry took another sip, "Hogsmeade trip is today."

"Professor McGonagall still not allowing you?" Vincent asked as he sat down.

"Yeah, probably worried that Black will be present there," Harry muttered.

"Fair enough," Harry looked at Vincent annoyed.

"You agree with her?" He asked.

"There is a killer after you Harry," Vincent said calmly. "Put yourself in Professor McGonagall's place. If one of your students had a well-known serial killer after them, would you let them go out to have fun at the risk of them getting killed?"

Harry looked down while Vincent continued, "You have people that care for you in their own ways, whether you want to acknowledge them or not is entirely up to you."

The two of them sat there for a while until Harry sneezed. They both entered the castle, happy to be out of the cold. They reunited with Ron and Hermione at the Great Hall with Arnya nowhere in sight.

"Where's Arnya?" Vincent asked Hermione as they sat down.

"She said she had something to do today," Hermione answered. "Doesn't seem like she's coming to Hogsmeade with us today."

"Really?" Vincent asked sceptically. "That seems a bit odd."

Vincent felt a bit strange hearing that Arnya wasn't going to be with him for the day. Somehow, he had gotten used to having her around. They quickly finished breakfast before leaving the Great Hall.

"Don't worry about me, I'll see you guys at the Halloween feast," Harry said as he waved them off.

"Hope Harry will fine," Hermione said worriedly.

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