Destiel Oneshot

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A/N. You can still request those stuff and such, but I'm just gonna do some fluffy oneshots! Yaayy! Enjoy!^-^


PS: I just love Cas' internal stream of comments.

"Good morning" Castiel said, as Dean walked into the kitchen. He looked tired. It had been late yesterday. When he came back from the hunt... He just collapsed onto the bed, and slept like he was in a coma.

The groggy-eyed hunter leaned against the doorway and mumbled a greeting. The angel had been awake for some time, and already made coffee, from which the rich aroma filled the small kitchen. Apparently Dean smelled it too, because he lifted his head, and took a deep breath.

Castiel looked at him, taking up his features into his memory. The sun shone through the half open window, casting shadows and light on the hunters face. His dirty blonde hair looked like molten gold. Like usually Cas couldn't take his eyes off of him.

After Dean came home from the tiring hunt yesterday, he fell asleep immediately. Well, Cas thought he had. He had studied him before he had joined him.

Deans dirty hair was messy and full of small leaves and sand, and Cas felt it scratch underneath his fingertips when he brushed through the soft strands. It woke Dean up out of his daze, and pulled him down, mumbling; "Stop staring and come here, you."

Castiel had quickly slipped into bed with his boyfriend.

There weren't many nights that they could sleep together anymore. He was always gone, hunting with Sam. Castiel wasn't able go with him. He couldn't. The angels... His grace fading... All obstacles which could endanger Dean- or Sam.

Metatron was also nowhere to be found. Anger welled up inside the hurt angel as he thought of him. Hate wouldn't even begin to describe his feelings.

The oldest Winchester was still wearing his pyjamas, a black shirt and red flannel pants. After an enormous yawn he stretched his arms high in the air, letting out a loud groan. His shirt lifted and Castiel saw a part of his toned stomach. He turned his head away and felt his head heat up.

That he could still make me flustered...

Dean groaned and rolled his shoulders. Then he sighed and walked into the kitchen.

"I uh-" Castiel stuttered.

Castiel, get your shit together. Unbelievable.

"I made some coffee. Black." He said. After all this time, he still couldn't form a coherent sentence while seeing him like this.

He felt a pair of arms around his shoulders. A scratch against his neck. A breath. A gruff whisper in his ear.

"Good morning."

Cas felt a chill go up his spine. Yes, after all this time Dean could still mess up his mind and make his stomach erupt with butterflies.

He reached over Castiels shoulder, to the mug standing on the coffee table. Castiel felt him smile when he grabbed it.

"It's hot." Cas mumbled.

Another chuckle. Cas looked at the mug. It was bright pink and covered in hearts. In a big, cursive font it read: 'Crazy About My Man'.

He had bought it for Deans birthday. He still thinks it's ridiculous, but Cas thought it was sweet. Gabriel had recommended it.

Dean stood up and walked over to the chair next to him. He missed the warmth of his body against his already. The hunter took a sip out of the steaming mug. The aroma of burnt beans drifted into Cas' nose. Dammit. He ruined it.


Dean put up his feet on Cas' chair. He did the same to his. When Dean shifted he winced.

Cas cocked his head. "What's wrong?" He asked. Have I missed something?

"Cas, It's nothing." Dean said.

He furrowed my eyebrows.

"Just.." Dean gave in, "Yesterday. The shifter cut my back. It's annoying, that's all." He grumbled. Cas stood up.

"It's nothing!" Dean protested, and wanted to stand up as well. Castiel pushed him back on the chair.

"No." He said, and walked to the counter. "Take off your shirt."

"Ah Cas, I get all tingly when you take control like that." Dean said, grinning.

"Shut up." Cas muttered while he was wetting a cloth under the tap. He couldn't help but smile.

When he turned around again Dean was already shirtless, straddling the chair.

Oh my dad, Dean.

Cas saw his smooth, muscled back, and he had to stop and stare for a second. That boy still knew how to amaze him. There was a gash across his back, about two hands long.

How in Heaven could he have slept with that?

Shaking his head, Cas walked back up to him, and softly placed his hand on his shoulder. He started cleaning the wound.

Dean took in a sharp breath and Cas immediately stopped.

"No, it's nothing." Dean said, "You have cold hands, Cas." He chuckled.

After cleaning up the wound Castiel put a bandage on it, and slid his hands over his shoulders. "All done." He said.

Dean stood up, turning to the angel. "Thank you." He said, grabbing his waist.

Cas smiled and put his hands against Deans warm chest. "Anytime." He whispered. He stared into his bright, emerald green eyes.

Dean blinked.

"I love you." He said, nuzzling his face in Castiels neck, wrapping his arms around him.

"I love you too."

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