⠀⠀ x. hospitals and kisses.

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GLOWING EYES,chapter ten

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chapter ten.

⠀⠀⠀ THE SUN BEAMED THROUGH THE CLOUDS, ⠀⠀⠀smiling upon the children that wondered if they were dreaming, or if the horrors they had endured were real. Through the haze of light and the cerulean sky, they could pretend that they had played a convincing game of cops and robbers, or had fun exploring in the woods. Rue's bruised body was a result of laughter and fun and a rambunctious afternoon. Ben's gash along his stomach was cleverly crafted from mud and red berries, using the artistic skills of the curly-haired girl.

But they couldn't excuse the clean break of Eddie's arm, or the blood that soaked every inch of Damien's body. Not Bev's fear-filled eyes or Mike's fatigue. Not the way that Stan acted as a bodyguard for his best friend or Richie did for his, too. The film reel of haunting events played on a burned loop on the back of their eyelids, and suddenly the day became a little colder, and the clouds rolled over their heads with malicious intent.

"You. You did this." Mrs Kaspbrak accused the abundance of children before her, metaphorically kicking them while they were down, finger-pointing at each one of them in turn as she dragged the small boy away. "You know how delicate he is."

"We were attacked, M-M-Mrs K." Bill stuttered, standing at the front of the group beside Rue, carefully holding up her tired silhouette.

"No. Don't. Don't try and blame anyone else." She hissed, fury filled eyes trained on the curly-haired girl beside him. "It's this witch and her bad luck that did this to my boy."

"Sure, blame it on me." Rue rolled her eyes. "Really, get over yourself already."

"You can't talk to me like that, little girl, I'm an adult."

"Act like one then, instead of childishly placing your problems on someone else."

The woman was rendered speechless, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. The girl did nothing but smile pointedly at her, pink lips curled into a smirk with freckles that glowed like stars at her triumph. Bill was proud, she could tell. The way he laced his fingers in hers and squeezed lightly, transferring his feelings through their connected skin.

GLOWING EYES, IT 2017 ✓Where stories live. Discover now