⠀⠀ vii. curses and clowns.

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GLOWING EYES,chapter seven

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chapter seven.

⠀⠀⠀ LUCKILY FOR THE REST OF THE LOSERS, PRUDENCE DIDN'T PASS OUT. ⠀⠀⠀ She was definitely out of sorts, though, unable to sit upright without support or talk without her words slurring together with the enthusiasm of a drunk lightweight. Dragging her hands across the tall strands of grass, she sat on the ground between Bill's legs, leaning against his chest as he held her up when she began to sway.

He rested his chin on the top of her head, arms curved around her waist whilst Stan stood to their left, anxiously tapping his foot to the sound of the trains that passed on the bridge behind them. Bev hugged her legs, eyes carefully trained on the wounded girl who had a makeshift bandage, torn from Stan's shirt, wrapped clumsily around her head and over her left eye.

"They should be back by now." Bev worried, squinting at the horizon.

"It's fine, B-b-beverly." Bill reassured her. "She's going to be fine - she's a lot stronger than she looks."

"I know that dumbass, but head injuries are no small deal. Especially with that much blood."

Blood that dripped down her cheek and landed in a constellation of splatters on her shirt. It was harrowing to see, especially with the effects of a head injury taking their toll on the girl. Drowsy, confused, and in a lot of pain, Rue would go from being completely silent and still, to confusing Stan with Bill or the sky with the ocean.

So her boyfriend held her close and reassured her whenever her foggy brain played tricks on her like it happened to be doing right now.

"Dad's gonna flip when he sees all this blood on Melissa's shirt. Misty- Misty's shirt." She slurred, eyes closed. "I hate him. I wish he were dead."

"Rue, your parents-" Bev started but was cut off by Stan and his protective glare.

"So Misty's name is Melissa?" He asked, dropping to the ground and sitting cross-legged before the girl.

"Yeah. Yeah, but only Dad calls her Melissa. She hates it. He calls her Melissa when he..." Rue trailed off, eye growing cloudy with tears. "I can't tell anyone. I can't tell anyone."

GLOWING EYES, IT 2017 ✓Where stories live. Discover now